Mothers flashing breasts at babies in TikTok trend get slammed: 'They've lowered themselves to the gutter'

The latest TikTok trend has mothers flashing their breasts to infants and toddlers who are dependent on mother's milk and recording their reactions.
It is all part of the 'Drop 'Em Out' TikTok challenge, in which mothers have to remove their tops and undergarment to give their babies a peek of their breasts and wait to record their reactions. Then they have to upload the clip after setting it to the background tune of Wheeler Walker Jr's breast-loving anthem 'Drop 'Em Out.'
Most of the videos uploaded in the challenge showed adorable reactions from babies. While some of their faces lit up after getting a brief glimpse of their mother's breasts, others were seen making an active effort to move toward the direction of their mother, proving the theory that those breastfed kids equate the particular part of a woman's body to one thing — food.
In one of the clips, when a mother named Jessica bares her breasts, her toddler son Jax is seen giving her an ear-to-ear grin and waddling towards her, undoubtedly hoping for a snack. The footage has been viewed more than 1.2 million times.
Another video, posted by Natalie Mitchell shows her redheaded daughter Bev sitting with a clueless expression on her face till her mother flashes her. After a brief moment of getting mesmerized, the toddler licks her lips and lunges forward toward her mother's breasts.
Instagram star Taylor Giavasis also recorded a cute video of her toddler son dropping the apple he was gnawing on and crawling across her bed after catching sight of her breasts.
Another social media influencer Laura Clery also participated in the challenge, although she ended her video with her breastfeeding her son. "He’s a literal sucker for them tiddies," she captioned the post.
A mother named Katie Houseman hilariously noted that her husband and her daughter "had the same reaction" when she unzipped her top before her baby was seen diving headfirst in her attempt to get to her mother's chest.
Meanwhile, Melissa Lagace's daughter was seen being beside herself with joy at the sight of her mother's breasts. The toddler who was standing up with her dad's help tries to free herself from his arms in order to walk to her mom after the flash.
While many people found the videos to be warm and hilarious, several others slammed the mothers for recording and posting such content.
"Have some self respect, please," one person opined, while another one wrote, "I know this is a natural part of life, but it's actually really creepy to film your children doing that. If they are old enough to crawl I think it's time to put that away... we are going to have a whole generation of weirdo kids obsessed with them!"
A third said: "Breastfeeding is a special time between mum and bub. These women have lowered themselves to the gutter."
A fourth commented: "They know it's wrong. This is flashing and they are only finding it funny because the innocent babes are reacting like full-grown men though for completely different reasons."
And a fifth quipped: "This is not heartwarming in the least. It's a bunch of classless women showing their -adorable(?) babies looking at their "food". If you think drooly saggy diapered babies are adorable that is."
There were also those who tried to somehow sexualize the whole situation. "I am well into my 40's and I still have the same reaction!" one wrote, while another one said, "The face of Daddy will also 'light up' if you flash naked breasts at him."