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'Motherland: Fort Salem' Episode 2 Preview: Witches continue to train, fans wonder if Adler is Spree leader

While it is too early to make the call or deduce that Alder is indeed a villain, what we can definitely look at is how the trio of Raelle, Tally and Abigail deal with training, their relationship and the infiltrator in their midst

'Motherland: Fort Salem' slammed in a 70% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes and it justifies the reason for that top-notch rating. Apart from the fantasy and supernatural setting, the pilot episode 'Say the Name' took its time to set things up by introducing the three main protagonists — Raelle Collar (Taylor Hickson), Tally Craven (Jessica Sutton) and Abigail Bellweather (Ashley Nicole Williams) — who sign up as privates to train at Fort Salem.

In addition, what it gave was a crisp and pacy plot that made 'Fort Salem' an interesting watch. Ahead of the second episode, 'My Witches', the show posted a sneak peek that gives a glimpse of the riveting action that can be expected.

You can watch the sneak peek here:


The clip sees Anacostia (Demetria McKinney) test the teens with a challenge of stabbing her in the eye. Abigail (Ashley Nicole Williams) takes the challenge, however, the attempt is thwarted by the drill sergeant. The episode also sees an appearance from the President while the final seconds of the clip see Scylla appears to impersonate Raelle. 

The official synopsis reads: "The unit travels to Salem Town for a celebration, but a disturbance throws the proceedings into chaos; Tally wonders if she made the right choice to embark on a military career; Abigail attempts to bury the hatchet with Raelle." The clip though did spark enough theories if General Adler was the leader of the Spree, the witches, and the country's nemesis. 

"Crazy theory, but what if General Adler is the secret leader of the Spree?! Or at least created the Spree?" asked a fan on the comments section of the clip's YouTube page leading to more theories. "The Spree shouldn't have a leader. We learned in Episode 1 that they are operating as disconnected cells, so when 1 gets busted, the rest isn't at risk. (A very common tactic in the real world too.)" said a fan in response. 

Another theory was that Adler created the Spree so the witches could have a purpose. "She could be though. and the reason the spree exists is so that the witches will have a purpose in society. if the spree didn't exist madam president wouldn't have a reason to keep Fort Salem running. Adler could be running the spree in secret so she stays in power/ remains a 'hero'," the fan said. 

While it is too early to make the call or deduce that Alder is indeed a villain, what we can definitely look at is how the trio of Raelle, Tally and Abigail deal with training, their relationship and the infiltrator in their midst. 

What are your thoughts on what could happen in 'My Witches'?