Mom died from 90% burns after she doused herself in gasoline to 'scare' cheating husband

A 35-year-old mother-of-two died after she doused herself with petrol and set herself on fire to 'scare' her husband over the affair he was having, an inquest heard. Ambreen Hussain sustained burns on 90 percent of her body because of the incident in November 2018 and could not be saved despite the best efforts of doctors.
According to the Daily Mail, the horrific incident, which unfolded at Ambreen's home on Teesside on November 13, was captured on CCTV cameras on the property. It reportedly showed the 35-year-old pouring petrol used for children's scooter all over her body while standing in the back garden and threateningly brandishing a lit piece of paper at her husband, Mobeen.
While she could not be explicitly seen lighting herself with the piece of paper, the camera captured the exact moment she was engulfed in flames. Mobeen then desperately tries to put out the fire by throwing a pan of water over his wife before resorting to his bare hands and wrapping his arms around her in a last-ditch effort.
Ambreen is still seen miraculously walking, and Mobeen manages to guide her to the front door, where neighbors rushed to help and tried to douse the flames using cling film.
She was later taken to the Newcastle Royal Victoria Infirmary for further treatment, but her condition would ultimately prove too grave. She died at the hospital on November 17, with a post mortem ruling her cause of death as multiple organ failure due to the burns which affected more than 90 per cent of her body.
In a statement read to the coroner at the inquest, Mobeen explained the incident was the culmination of problems in their marriage which had begun six months earlier when Ambreen caught wind of the affair he was having.
He said that, on November 13, they had argued, and that he saw her storming off to the kitchen and "pouring something over herself."
"It was petrol that Ambreen poured over herself in the back garden," he said. "She then went into the kitchen and came back out, when she had in her hand a white piece of paper, alight. She poured more petrol over herself and suddenly became engulfed in flames."
Mobeen described how he tried to put the fire out with his hands and how the events of the day were "all just a blur." He insisted his wife never intended to go so far. "I do not think she meant to set herself on fire — I think she was just trying to scare me," he explained.
Speaking at the inquest, Acting Detective Inspector Jeremy Commons of Cleveland Police similarly described the incident and said there was "no indication that his wife was going to do what she did."
Assistant coroner Jo Wharton said that to record a verdict of suicide, she had to be sure Ambreen took her own life and was intending to so. She ultimately recorded a misadventure verdict, saying, "Her death was attributed to an accident that occurred due to a risk that was taken voluntarily."