Mother of 10-year-old deaf girl who was hung from tree gets served with restraining order by parents of bully
Belinda Yoon, the mother, posted a video on Facebook about how she was shocked that she was served with a restraining order by the parents of her daughter's bully
In a shocking turn of events, the mother of a 10-year-old disabled girl who was allegedly hung from a tree with a skipping rope by her schoolmate has been served with a summon for a restraining order from the parents of the child who reportedly bullied her daughter.
Belinda Yoon had taken to Facebook last month to detail the horrific bullying her daughter, 10-year-old Amber Loon, faced on a daily basis. She had demanded that the bullies responsible must face automatic suspension and publicly apologize in front of their peers. However, a police investigation into the incident did not result in any charges being laid.