5-year-old suffers severe burns and has toes amputated after adoptive mother forced her into boiling hot bath
20-year-old Samantha Osteraas held the child down in the hot bath knowing well that it would end up in injuries in December 2016

An evil mother in Tuscon, Arizona put her adopted five-year-old daughter in a boiling hot bath deliberately and burned the child so badly that she had to get her toes amputated, according to reports.
The child, identified as Madison, was burnt at her home in Tuscon, Arizona in December 2016 and reportedly suffered third-degree burns to over 80 percent of her body. Reports state the child's burns were deemed very severe by medical experts who said she will have to undergo regular surgical treatment for the rest of her life in an attempt to manage the scarring. The burns reportedly covered her from her chest to her feet, according to the Sun.