Most Controversial TV Show: Naked Attraction's focus on nudity earns it the title of 'worst program ever'

British reality shows are without an iota of doubt way more controversial than their American counterparts. While the American audience enjoys shows like 'The Bachelor', 'Blind Date' etc, when it comes to dating, their European counterparts seem to prefer a far more risque approach.
UK's popular dating show 'Naked Attraction' has garnered a lot of attention ever since it first aired in 2016. The show might have successfully completed six seasons, but it still continues to shock the audience with its bold show format. In case you're wondering what the show is about, then we got you covered. Like the name suggests, 'Naked Attraction' features singles who are looking for an attractive partner. The picking of a partner is based on a very primitive principle of only physical attraction.
So the chances of meeting a partner based on their personality, intelligence, etc, is next to zero on the show. Each episode of the show features a single who is on a quest to find his/her perfect partner. The single is shown six contestants who are stark naked from waist down, but their faces are covered.
The single must then begin eliminating the contestants based on the physical attributes that they find undesirable. They have to explain clearly why they are eliminating each of the contestants. In the end when there's only one contestant remaining, the single and the selected contestant go on a date. Here's a twist — they are fully clothed on the date and this is the first time when the single looks at the face of their selected partner.
According to reports, Season 1 of the show featured an average of five penises and two vaginas every minute, with a total of 282 shots of male genitalia and 96 female. With each passing season, the nudity continued to increase. For instance, the second season of 'Naked Attraction' featured a whopping 363 vagina shots and 166 penises, which means on an average seven nude scene were shown every minute!
While the show has been praised for its inclusivity of transgenders and pansexuals, it has also been heavily criticized for its extensive focus on physical attributes. The decision to pick a date just based on their physical traits is not only shallow but also questionable. Owing to the show's insistence of sticking to picking dates based on physical attraction, 'Naked Attraction' has been labeled as "worst programme ever shown on TV".
The show also received immense backlash for featuring excessive nudity. Despite many complaints against the show, the media watchdogs couldn't do much since the show didn't violate any of the television programming guidelines. Considering that the show has been renewed for Season 7, there's no denying that it is extremely popular among the British audience.