Monica Lewinsky squeezed Bill Clinton's genitals in party and referred to Hillary as 'Ba Ba', claims memoir

Monica Lewinsky, the former White House intern who infamously had an affair with then-President Bill Clinton, once grabbed his genitals in a crowd and bent over to flash her thong at him, according to a memoir written by Linda Tripp, Lewinsky's former colleague in the Pentagon’s public affairs office.
Lewinsky was 23 years old when she confided in Tripp about her affair with Clinton. Lewinsky, now 47, had a sexual relationship with President Clinton from 1995 to 1997. Tripp's memoir 'A Basket of Deplorables: What I Saw Inside the Clinton White House,' was published by Post Hill Press last month after her death in April 2020. New York Post recently published an excerpt of the memoir which detailed Clinton’s August 1996 birthday party at Radio City Music Hall, which was attended by Lewinsky and where she squeezed the former president’s private parts.
“She would gush that she had maneuvered into a position to grab his genitals with no one being the wiser, delighted to have given ‘the Big He’ a little love massage,” Tripp wrote about Lewinsky. Tripp claimed that Lewinsky told her in November of that year: “You absolutely won’t believe this, but I squeezed his balls right in the middle of throngs of people! This was quickly followed by a recitation of the celebrities there (‘I’ll bet none of them got to squeeze his balls!’) and catty remarks about [First Lady] Hillary [Clinton], who from that moment on was referred to disdainfully only as ‘the Ba Ba.’”
Tripp added that “the saddest part was that this grope validated, in her mind, a sort of secret romance between" Lewinsky and the 42nd president. Lewinsky was “grinning from ear to ear and positively beaming” after returning from her “meticulously planned trip” to the party, recalled Tripp, which had 5,300 guests in attendance. She said in the memoir that it was "staggering to hear about" the groping incident, especially after becoming aware of "the thong incident [Lewinsky] had pulled off the year before—she had deliberately bent over so the president could see her, then hiked up her dress to reveal her thong underwear to him.”
Tripp began secretly recording her phone calls with Lewinsky after the latter told her about the relationship, and in January 1998 handed the tapes to independent counsel Kenneth Starr. Although President Clinton initially claimed in a televised speech that he did not have sexual relations with Lewinsky, investigation on the matter eventually led to perjury charges against him and his impeachment by the House of Representatives. In a Senate trial, he was acquitted of the impeachment perjury charges and obstruction of justice.
Lewinsky was granted immunity by the Office of the Independent Counsel in exchange for her testimony. She later went onto became a pop culture celebrity. She subsequently engaged in a variety of ventures that included designing a line of handbags under her name, being an advertising spokesperson for a diet plan, and working as a television personality. After pursuing a master's degree in psychology in London, in 2014, she returned to public view as a social activist speaking out against cyberbullying.