'Money Heist' aka 'La Casa de Papel' part 4: Who is Tatiana? Will she help the gang escape the Bank of Spain?

After shattering viewership records on Netflix season three of 'Money Heist' aka 'La Casa de Papel' has piqued the interest of a lot of viewers. Created by Álex Pina, the Spanish heist drama revolves around a group of criminals who take up names after cities — Tokyo, Nairobi, Moscow, Berlin, Rio, Denver, Helsinki, and Oslo as they conduct their operations.
After hiding for two years, the group returns to Madrid to steal 90 tonnes of solid gold bars from the Bank of Spain as part of another daring heist. The previous season finale ended on a dramatic cliffhanger, where Nairobi is on the verge of death and the gang gets stuck in the bank with little means to escape. The final moments reveal how Lisbon's execution was actually fake. Raquel Murillo (Itziar Ituño) is alive and in custody. Trapped in his own masterplan, the Professor is shaken and is exploring more options for a successful getaway leaving viewers to ponder over the gang's possible escape routes.

Interestingly, the new season also introduced new characters to the fold, including Berlin’s former girlfriend Tatiana. Through several flashbacks, it is revealed how the character, played by Diana Gómez, has detailed knowledge about the plan. In episode six, she is introduced as a concert pianist and a thief. "Piano and jewels are my two specialities," she tells the Professor when she first meets him. But, now there is much speculation around her role and whether inspector Alicia Sierra (Najwa Nimri) could turn out to be Tatiana.
Several fans could see a similarity between the two faces and have been wondering if she is Tatiana or a close relative (sister) of Tatiana. "Alicia has something to do with the heist. There’s a lot of speculation that she is Tatiana, and I’d love if that were to be true. The fact that she plays her cards so well may be supported by how she understands how Berlin and The Professor’s brain works. But that’s if she is Tatiana," a user wrote on Reddit, and another one commented: "We know that Alicia has a secret she hides from everyone, so, maybe they're related."

It may be beyond the bounds of possibility, but the connection is still a strong one. Another fan had a crazy theory of how Tatiana could be a hostage inside the bank and might be instrumental in helping the gang members escape from the Bank of Spain. While there are others who feel that we have not seen the last of the mysterious Tatiana and she might prove instrumental in breaking the gang out of the bank since she knows so much about the plan. Then, there is also much talk about how one of the hostages, played by Belen Cuesta, could become the crucial link for the gang in breaking out of the bank.
Moreover, the Professor declares DEFCON 2, which they use as a code word to imply a serious threat and Tokyo narrates how he had fallen for his own trap and that "the war had begun". So, a serious war could ensue in the series but that would mean taking the revolution to the streets and helping the gang robbers reach out to the general public. Time will tell how the gang survives and who all lose their lives by the end of it.
Part four of the Spanish crime-drama series is already in production and the new season could be expected to hit Netflix in 2020.