'Modern Family' Season 11: After 'The Last Christmas', will we see the family together again or will they go their separate ways?

While some of the fans of ABC's sitcom 'Modern Family' have expressed qualms about the series going downhill with its plot, the rest are still clutching at straws hoping to see what sort of conclusions will be brought by the creators to their beloved characters.
When Season 11 of 'Modern Family' was announced, the makers of the show clearly stated that they finalized the deal only because it gave them the opportunity to experiment with the characters the most, as the series was coming to an end.
Although the first few episodes came across as draggy and repetitive, the show managed to pick up the pace in the previous two episodes by hinting at the disintegration of the much-adored modern family!
The previous episode 'The Last Christmas', as the name suggests, saw members of all the households gather to celebrate the holiday as usual, but, the only difference being it could be the last time they would be coming together for Christmas.
While Haley, Cam, and Alex are considering jobs in different cities and countries, Manny is looking forward to joining a drama school in London. And, if Cam takes up the job in Mussoorie like he always wanted, Mitchell and Lily will have to follow him.
It isn't only the distance that could be contributing to the family's disintegration, as the latest episode emphasizes the underlying issues between the family members, which has more potential to draw them farther from one another.
Nevertheless, for the love of the show or to serve our satisfaction, we are still hoping to see the family stick together and grow. Although each of them has expressed their desire to move away, it remains to be seen if they’ll act upon it or end up leading the same life deeply bound by emotions and family values.