The search for Quinton Simon: Missing toddler's grandmother makes desperate plea 'he's just a baby'!

SAVANNAH, GEORGIA: A manhunt has been launched for a missing child who vanished five days ago. Quinton Simon, who is 20 months old, disappeared from his home in Savannah, Georgia, on October 5. Police have now said finding him is their "highest priority".
The Daily Mail reported that there were issues going on within the baby's family, between his grandmother and his mother, Leilani. Simon's grandmother, Billie Jo Howell, has legal custody over him. The FBI and local police, who have launched a desperate search for Simon, have not ruled out the possibility of him being abducted. "I hope he's still alive. We don't have any information to believe he's not," Chatham County Police Chief Jeff Hadley said during a press conference last week.
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Police have been searching Simon's home, a pong, drainage pipes, and a nearby wood. His mother's boyfriend reportedly woke up at 6 am and saw him. When his mother woke up, he was apparently gone and she reported him missing just after 9.30 am. "I want him home. He's just a baby. Please don't stop looking," the grandmother said. His grandfather said, "We just want to know something. We are concerned with his wellbeing. He's a happy kid. He always had a big smile on his face. We're still hoping and praying."
Howell has been pleading for Simon's safe return in a series of Facebook posts. "I’m begging if anyone knows anything please help the FBI and our family! #quintonsimon my monkey dew!!" she wrote in one post. Another post reads, "I can’t even being to understand why my family has to endure these horrible times. God I beg of you to please send my baby Quinton home safe. We are all so very afraid. This little boy is smart, silly, the absolute cutest, and most loving. Tommy and I are not ok. Everyday without this little boy is tearing our hearts out of our chest."
Court records obtained by WJCL suggest Howell had tried to remove mom Leilani and her boyfriend Daniel Youngkin from their home. She said she wanted the two of them to leave the house "as soon as possible" since "they have damaged my property and at this point no one is living in peace." It is unclear whether this has anything to do with the child's disappearance, and how long ago the record was lodged.
Howell said of 22-year-old Leilani, "She hasn't always done the right thing." "Sometimes she does really great, sometimes she doesn't. I don't know what to think right now. I don't know what to believe, because I don't think anybody ever believes this is going to happen to them," she said. "'I don't know if I can trust her or I don't. I just know I'm hurting and I want this baby home. He's my baby."
Chatham County Police said in a statement, "Today we will be re-canvassing some specific areas in our search for Quinton Simon. We are not in need of volunteers, but want to keep you informed about our efforts to find the little boy. The FBI continues to provide assistance and support, as they have since day one."