'Million Dollar Listing': Tracy Tutor 'kills the vibe of the show,' fans say it's time they removed her

Tracy Tutor is easily one of the best realtors there is on the show. And this is not to necessarily please her or her millions of followers. She knows what she is doing and is well aware of her industry. In this week's episode of 'Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles' Tracy showed just that and how.
She understands the business of real estate and one could see in the way she was confidently handling her clients. As Tracy asked for more information trying to understand where her sellers were at with the property, four of them sat and listened with rapt attention. This wasn't the first time that Tracy displayed her impeccable sales skills. Previously, when a Malibu developer Scott Gillen challenged her with the tricky task of creating a marketing pitch for selling his $75 million mansion - 'New Castle' - Tracy aced it.
Scott tested Tracy at every step of the way but she never gave up and worked extra hard to ensure that he was left impressed with the kind of work she does. Tracy delivered on the promise and bagged herself quite the commission. Time and again, she has proven that gender doesn't have anything to do with excelling at a profession.
And because she understands and recognizes this, Tracy was able to author a whole book on it, which is titled 'Fear Is Just a Four-Letter Word: How to Develop the Unstoppable Confidence to Own Any Room.' Talking to People after her book launch, she shared: “I felt like it was so crucial for me to teach them about what it's like to be fearless and be able to walk into a room and own it."
Despite all her achievements, fans have called her boring and how she kills the vibe of 'Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles.'
"Tracy totally kills the vibe of the show and makes it depressing. She has zero personality. It’s time for a change next season. #MDLLA #BravoTV #Bravo #MillionDollarListingLA," a fan commented, to which another responded: "Agree! Get rid of Tracy! She's a DebbieDowner! We need more Flagg & Altman! #MillionDollarListingLA."
"Tracy isn't as enjoyable to watch like Josh Flagg and Altman. She doesn't seem to sell like the two Josh do either. They are always selling every episode a home is sold and having multiple deals going, with Tracy we watch 3 weeks of MDLLA before it's sold..if something is sold," a user pointed out, while another posted: "I usually fast forward through her."
Catch all the new episodes of 'Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles' on Bravo every Tuesday. For more information, check your local listings.