Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen donated $100,000 to help GOP keep the US House

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen reportedly donated $100,000 to a political fundraising group, in an effort to ensure the Republicans remain in control of the House of Representatives, his financial disclosures have revealed. The disclosures were filed earlier this year with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
According to reports, Allen donated the huge amount to a joint fundraising committee, called Protect the House, which shared the funds with multiple GOP candidates and a political action committee. Out of the $100,000 Allen donated, nearly $33,900 was given to the National Republican Campaign Committee, $5,000 was shared with a PAC started by Vice President Mike Pence, and almost a dozen congressional Republicans received $2,600, according to The Seattle Times. The news outlet was the first organization to report the donation made on June 14.