Michael Moore calls Trump 'worst president ever' over 'non stop killing of our black and brown citizens'

Michael Moore has called President Donald J. Trump the "worst president ever" in his weekly podcast, while claiming that there is “non-stop killing of our black and brown citizens in this country.” Speaking to fired CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill in the latest episode of 'Rumble', Moore gave his two cents on the Black Lives Matter protests that took place across the country in the past several months, Breitbart News reported.
“We’ve had a year [with] the absolute worst president ever, and it happened this year with a once in a century pandemic,” Moore said. “It happened this year and with an uprising over the non-stop killing of our black and brown citizens in this country, and that people finally said, ‘That’s enough.’ … It’s been a powerful and it’s been a revolting year.”

However, according to the report, there is no evidence backing Moore's claim that there is "non-stop killing" of "black and brown citizens" across America. In 2016, a Harvard University study revisited at least 1,000 shootings in ten police departments in Florida, Texas, and California. Researchers concluded that "on the most extreme use of force – officer-involved shootings – we are unable to detect any racial differences in either the raw data or when accounting for controls."
"Police shot and killed 1,004 people in 2019 — with blacks accounting for 23 percent of those deaths. That percentage has held steady since at least 2017," according to Breitbart's David NG wrote. Nonetheless, a major chunk of Moore's podcast was dedicated to the subject of prison reform. Guest Marc Lamont Hill, who termed it "prison abolition," demanded a complete cessation of prison construction. “As long as we build them, we’ll have a reason to justify it,” he told Moore. Hill also brought up the concept of "decarceration," which focuses on getting people out of jail and eliminating cash bail altogether, per the report.
Moore also asked Hill about the time he was removed from CNN two years ago. According to Breitbart News, the network severed ties with the contributor after he made an incendiary speech calling for the elimination of the Israeli state and demanding a “free Palestine from the river to the sea.” But Moore claimed that Hill “was fired because he had an opinion and a belief in the tragedy of what was and has been happening to the Palestinian people for many, many years.” That said, Moore's claim about "black and brown" killings received considerable pushback from Trump supporters on social media. "He's right you know. Except it's mostly Black and Brown killing Black and Brown," one tweeted.
"Moore is an agitator. He is afraid of Trump's popularity among African Americans," another added. "If this were true, there would simply be no persons of color in the United States. Mathematically impossible and not happening. Why make such a ridiculous and controversial statement?" a third chimed in. "Yes, and who is perpetrating this? Other black and brown people...at least in my city. I know officers in the Sheriff's dept. and they said over 90% of the crimes committed here are by black people vs black people," a fourth wrote.
He's right you know . Except it's mostly Black and Brown killing Black and Brown.
— Kevin Dougherty (@Kevin_D_53) December 11, 2020
More is an agitator.
— PlasticMoney888.com (@plasticmoney888) December 11, 2020
He is afraid of Trumps popularity among African Americans.
If this were true, there would simply be no persons of color in the United States. Mathematically impossible and not happening. Why make such a ridiculous and controversial statement?
— BamaCaliOkie (@KoehlerEllis) December 11, 2020
Yes, and who is perpetrating this? Other black and brown people...at least in my city. I know officers in the Sheriff's dept. and they said over 90% of the crimes committed here are by black people vs black people.
— Tammy (@vophsi) December 11, 2020