Black fisherman abused racially by Florida men for coming too close to their boat, viral video triggers outrage

MIAMI, FLORIDA: A video showing a group of White men hurling racial slurs at a Black fisherman near Stuart has gone viral. The video of the incident has been shared on Twitter by @BillyCorben that shows a small boat called the "Amanda V" coming towards three fishermen - one of the shipmates was African American, whose name has not been revealed. The men on the "Amanda V" accused the fisherman of coming too close to them. One of the men then said, “If you ever f**king wake me out again, I'll break your f**king legs."
Texts written over the Twitter video stated, “This was the third time that week they threatened them.” "Shut your f*cking [N-word] mouth," one of the men told the young fishermen. And as the boat of the alleged abusers sped away from the fishermen’s boat, they yelled, “keep your [N-word] ass back in town." As per reports, the short clip was a part of a YouTube video that was shot by Shannon Bustamante, a YouTuber with a commercial angler focus.
“Shut your fucking n*gger mouth!” Florida men yell racist and homophobic slurs to fellow fishermen for getting too close to their boat off Stuart #BecauseFlorida FULL VIDEO:
— Billy Corben (@BillyCorben) March 1, 2021
The 12 minute and 10-second video has been posted on YouTube channel "sharkinwithseaweed". The caption of it read, “You won't Believe this Video, Actually you want to believe the Racism in this video. My Commercial Fishing Friends invited me fishing out of Stuart Fl and we arrived to a spot filled with commercial Mackeral fishing boats. My Friend knew most of them and asked to anchor up beside two of his friends, but as we made our approach he goes ohhhh no there's that boat again. This boat happened to be the one shouting the N-WORD at his mate anytime they passed by them and had made silly threats in the passed for no other reason than the fact that his mate is an African American man on an all White Treasure Coast Fleet of about 30 -40 boats.
“Sure enough we drop anchor and the boat they mentioned starting Screaming to get the F away and that us and our Nigg#r friend are too close. This frustrated the captain so he pulled anchor and sped away from there . We anchor at our new spot and within 30 minutes here came trouble. The Boat named Amanda V, Bee Lined straight to us and the rest is history with Physical threats and 1950s type of KKK Racial garbage spewed at the young mate. Beyond the ugliness we caught a bunch of big Sheepsheads and Mackerels.”
Bustamante also spoke to CBS Miami and told them, “It’s horrible. Saying those things, making threats, circling around the boat, it’s just unacceptable.” He stated: “They were waiting for the reason to come up and try to bully them. So that’s when they came up saying ‘hey you sped by me.’ But nothing warrants someone coming up to you and saying what they said in the video,” before adding the men also screamed things, like “You have no right to be here. Take that boy back to town.”
After the video was posted on Twitter, it garnered more than 250K views. Hundreds retweeted it and commented on it as one user said, “Please tell me those f**kers shouting racial slurs have jobs and that someone can identify them so they can be fired from those jobs.” “I hate when people say that racism and homophobia don’t exist anymore when the proof is literally right in front of them,” another user noted. However, there was a user who actually found out who the owner of the boat was as they wrote, “Anthony Joseph Puleo Stuart, FL” while another one added, “He owns a lawn company”
Please tell me those fuckers shouting racial slurs have jobs and that someone can identify them so they can be fired from those jobs.
— P_C (@patrickcoyle09) March 1, 2021
I hate when people say that racism and homophobia don’t exist anymore when the proof is literally right in front of them.
— Frosst ඞ (@Fr0ssti) March 2, 2021