Melissa Gilbert, 58, proves she has not lost her charm as she beams in a graceful floral dress in photo

HIGHLAND LAKE, NEW YORK: After all these years Melissa Gilbert, 58, still has not lost her charm. 'The Little House on the Praire' star recently posted a photo on Instagram as part of her brand Modern Praire. In the photo, which became an instant hit among fans, she was seen smiling and waving at the camera in a long flowy floral dress. The caption read that she was sharing a "virtual kit" which included "a marble in case someone says, a marble in case someone says, 'you've lost all your marbles,'" and "a hug and a kiss to remind you that someone, somewhere cares about you" and "an Eraser so you can make all your mistakes disappear."
Kathy Ireland, Brook Shields and Camila Alves McConaughey have all built lifestyle businesses or communities that matched their realities. Similar to them, Gilbert created a space where the "modern, mature woman" may obtain the skills needed to prosper in the next stage of their life.
‘Absolutely against the word anti-aging’
Gilbert and her staffers handpick things that are lovely and functional, as well as "not so precious" so that they can be shared. She explained why one phrase was not acceptable in the community. "We are absolutely against the word anti-aging — because it doesn't happen. We are all aging. The question is how you're going to age," she said, per AmoMama.
‘We’re optimistic visionaries’
Gilbert and her husband, Tim Busfield, celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary a month into the 2020 lockdown. She stated on social media that despite the uncertain times, "There never [has] been a moment that I have not felt safe because of the loving care of my amazing husband." After marrying in 2013, the couple relocated from Los Angeles to Busfield's hometown of Michigan. However, five years later, they moved to Manhattan.
The couple decided to call Highland Lake, New York, home. People may consider "nuts" to invest in the place, but Gilbert felt they were "the best kind of nuts." She told the New York Times, "We're optimistic visionaries. We thought this house would provide us with enough shelter and service."
At the beginning, the house they chose was a mass of garbage, peeling walls, rodents, mold and mildew. The pair has made the property habitable as well as pleasant for themselves and a few fowl. According to Gilbert, the house will remain a "work in progress".