Is Melania Trump ignoring social distancing norms? Perfect makeup and polished nails in videos suggest so

In today's world amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, people are confined to their homes owing to lockdowns imposed by their respective governments. Men have let their beard do the talking and women are sporting their makeup-free looks.
However, First Lady Melania Trump appeared to have an impeccable appearance and not a hair out of place during her few rare public sightings over the past few days.
Referring to the latest PSA posted on the First Lady's Twitter account on April 13, Vanity Fair's Kenzie Bryant noted in an article, "In her latest message to the people, a video tweeted out Monday morning, the first lady is looking very much like how the American people are used to encountering her. Her skin is done up perfectly. Her smoky eye is indeed smoky. Her hair is coiffed. Her nails are rendered in a pristine white lacquer."
The most obvious reasoning behind this would be that Melania had her makeup done by her glam team like she has done so many times in the past. There is just one problem. She is not supposed to have a glam team now as all non-essential personnel should be back in their homes due to social distancing restrictions in place.
It is the sole reason even celebrities, who have their own beauty lines and have built their fame on their perfectly done makeup, like Kim Kardashian, has resorted to either doing her own makeup or as she revealed on 'The Tonight Show' home edition, getting her sibling to do get her camera-ready.
The mother-of-one started posting PSAs in March. The first one was posted on March 19, which incidentally was before the March 24 announcement by the District of Columbia’s mayor, Muriel Bowser, that non-essential business, including hair, nail, and tanning salons and barbershops will temporarily be closed.

Between then and now, the FLOTUS has posted a total of four videos on her social media page, including one where she advocates the use of face masks and the most recent, Easter-themed video, in which she reads a children’s book. Bryant gives the White House staff the benefit of the doubt in his article, stating that all these videos might have been shot at the time the first one was shot, which could easily explain Melania's full face of makeup.
"Melania is wearing the same outfit and hair and makeup in videos from both April 8 and today, April 13. In an April 9 video, her shirt is different but the hair and makeup look very much the same. For the Easter video, did she simply change the part of her hair, her outfit, and the background? That’s movie magic for you, I suppose," Bryant wrote.
However, this explanation poses another dilemma. The video posted on April 9, where she promotes face masks, could not have been shot before March 19 or 24, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released their renewed guidelines to the public on April 3.
While the White House stays tight-lipped on Melania’s grooming while under quarantine, the final explanation is that Melania is likely doing her own makeup. Being a former model, she should know a thing or two about glamming up.
Whatever is the case, FLOTUS has successfully created her signature style over the years that her husband has been in office. Back in 2018, hair care professional Mordechai Alvow, who has worked with her on several occasions throughout the years, revealed as to why it was important for the First Lady to maintain a stable look.
“When someone is going to be in the eyes of the public and will constantly be on the news, there is a look that people want to understand and be comfortable with and associate with. She’s not like a performer. There is a look about her where it’s almost like she’s the mother of the public. You want your mother to have one steady look,” he said.