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Will Melania Trump and Jill Biden debate with each other? Internet says it would make an 'excellent SNL skit'

When an editor tweeted 'Omg @DrBiden should debate Melania Trump', it quickly went viral with many agreeing
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The debate season is upon the people of the United States as they gear up for the 2020 election. The presidential and vice-presidential debates are designed to show voters what the platforms of each candidate look like and gives a chance for each of them to convince voters why they will be better for the country. Although there has never been a sitting first lady debating a potential future one, it seems like that is exactly what social media is interested in.

As the current scenario stands, if such a history-making debate were to take place, it would be between first lady Melania Trump and Jill Biden, the wife of Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden. To put things in perspective, Melania is a former model from Slovenia who claims to speak 5 languages, including English and her native tongue but there has been no claim by anyone ever of hearing her speak anything other than Slovenian and heavily-accented English. She has also reportedly lied about having a degree in architecture.

Jill Biden, on the other hand, has been a former second lady of the United States. She holds a doctoral degree from the University of Delaware. She taught English and reading in high schools for thirteen years, and also taught adolescents with emotional disabilities at a psychiatric hospital. Since 2009, she has been a professor of English at Northern Virginia Community College and is thought to be the first second lady to hold a paying job while her husband was vice president. 

When a Daily Beast editor, Molly Jong-Fast suggested the idea of Melania debating Jill, tweeting, "Omg @DrBiden should debate Melania Trump" it quickly went viral with many agreeing to her suggestion.


One of them wanted the debate to be as fair as possible so they wanted a translator to be present for Melania. "That would be patently unfair since Melania is not fluent in English. Maybe she could debate in Slovenian & a translator would let us know her thoughts. Seriously, I wish to hear her in her native tongue so I could judge if she really is stupid, or if it’s a language issue," the user wrote, while another remarked, "the debate wouldn't get past the first legitimate question to Melania: Moderator: 'First Lady Melania, please explain to the American people the many discrepancies in your US immigration process.' Melania: 'On the advise of my attorney, I will be taking the 5th on that matter'." A third opined, "Dr Biden is so lovely. I know she would do everything she possibly could do to keep from laughing in Melania’s face." A fourth remarked, "That would be an excellent SNL skit."

A fifth wanted more than an exchange of words between the two. "Can we also have a fitness contest between Biden and Trump? Running, biking, weight lifting?" the user asked, while a sixth commented, "I would pay good money to watch this" Another remarked, "I'm very curious about this. I don't think I've ever heard Melania speak unscripted. We're all very suspicious of her genius visa." A user said, "They could discuss their rise to the top. One will be an XXX version of events not really caring what anyone thinks." Someone wondered if Melania might be caught up in another plagiarism scandal like the one from four years back when her RNC speech sounded eerily familiar to the one spoken by ex-first lady Michelle Obama at DNC back in 2008. "She would just repeat her words since we’ve seen her steal someone else’s words in the past!" the user wrote.