Melania Trump 'perpetuated a myth' of raising Barron without a nanny despite hiring household staff to watch him

Melania Trump's former friend and advisor Stephanie Winston Wolkoff recently claimed in her newly released tell-all that the first lady was not telling the whole truth when she stated in the past that she quit her modeling career to become a full-time mother, taking care of her son, Barron Trump, because she never hired a nanny.
“Melania has perpetuated a myth that she never hired a nanny when Barron was young and that she waited to start her businesses until he went to school,” Wolkoff writes. However, the FLOTUS did have her household staff to help her raise Barron, along with her mother.
She also dished about Melania's unwillingness to socialize with the parents during playdates no matter how hard the mothers at Columbia Grammar tried to connect to her. “Melania’s playdates were his playdates,” Wolkoff said. “Melania didn’t sit around to watch the kids play. Nor did she entertain the mothers who arrived and wanted face time.”
Although Melania's parenting style was a mystery to even those who were close to her, as she was “oddly secretive” about her son and motherhood, she did tell Wolkoff about a prank that Barron pulled on one of his friends who was visiting the White House. “Melania told me a story about how Barron had secretly placed a recording device in the Lincoln Bedroom and timed it so that it made ghost moans and noises when a friend of his was in there,” she wrote. “Melania thought it was so cute. ‘He’s so funny!’ she said.”

Melania famously said in a 2015 People magazine interview, "I like to be hands-on. I think it's very important." Her husband added in the same interview: ''If you have too much help, you don't get to know your children.'' The mother-of-one added, “My husband is traveling all the time,” Melania says. “Barron needs somebody as a parent, so I am with him all the time.”
In the same year, she opned up about her decision not to hire a nanny for her son in an interview with "I am a full time mom; that is my first job. The most important. I started my business when I started school.''
Despite the Trumps having a personal chef, Melania's duties extended to preparingg breakfast and lunch for Barron, dropping him off and picking him up from school, and spending the afternoon with him. However, New York Post did some digging and discovered that Barron did, in fact, have a live-in nanny. President Donald Trump confirmed to the publication, ''Yes, there is a young woman, someone who works with Barron.”
As for Barron's relationshhip with his father, Melania Trump said in the People magazine interview, that she encourages her son and his father to have one-on-one time. “Barron loves to be one-on-one with Dad because normally he’s almost always all the time with me,” she said. “So I give them space when it’s Daddy and Barron time. They go alone for dinner, one-on-one. They play golf together. He looks forward to that.”