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Harry fell in love with Meghan's fierce personality because he had always competed with William, says expert

The former 'Suits' actress was always someone who had the drive to succeed in everything she set her sight on and that energy and "competitiveness" may have been what hooked Harry
UPDATED MAR 20, 2020
(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

While the world thought that the reason Harry became smitten with Meghan Markle from the get-go was her beauty, a body language expert revealed that the Duke of Sussex's deep-rooted issues with his elder brother, Prince William, might have played a major role in making him fall for her. 

The former 'Suits' actress was always someone who had the drive to succeed in anything and everything she set her sight on and the energy and "competitiveness" in her seemed to be the thing that attracted Harry to Meghan, body language expert Judy James told Express

One of the events that left Harry in awe of Meghan was the annual forum of The Royal Foundation, which was originally formed by Harry and William to continue the work of their mother Princess Diana. After Kate Middleton married William, she naturally became a patron of the foundation. So people had high expectations from Meghan when she joined the three of them on stage to discuss the aims of the organization.

James believed that it was her speech that got Harry hooked. “She came straight off the blocks. Wow, she hit the ground running, it was like a CV," James said. "She showed energy and commitment."

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex meets children as she attends the Commonwealth Day Service 2020 on March 09, 2020 in London, England. (Getty Images)

Harry knew that Meghan was the perfect match for him because of her fierce personality and her go-getter attitude, which mimicked his feelings for his brother. 

“I think that was very much admired by Harry, also because he’s quite competitive with his brother," James said. 

However, the same drive was seen by other members of the royal family as a bit problematic. “I think it was a bit of a shock to the rest of the royals," she said. 

Analyzing a picture of the couple from their last royal engagement prior to Megxit - when they attended the Westminster abbey service - James said that Harry looked remorseful, suggesting that cutting himself off from the royal family was going to be a bittersweet journey. 

“Harry’s smile has vanished here, to be replaced by a very distant, reflective and rather sorrowful looking eye expression,” James said.