Meghan King Edmonds admits she's 'too thin', says she's 'decaying on stress' amid divorce battle with husband Jim Edmonds

Meghan Kind Edmonds, who is currently embroiled in a divorce battle with husband Jim Edmonds, has opened up about her body struggles and stated she's "not OK." King Edmonds discussed being "too thin" in a new blog post entitled "Eat a burger", where she revealed to her readers the many struggles she has endured in the past couple of months.
“That’s what they say to me: ‘Eat a burger!’ And that’s when they’re being nice,” she began her lengthy blog post, Fox News reports.

“Not trying to overstep but are you okay? You’re so thin and it’s not cute.’ Let me break it down: NO! I am not ok,” the 35-year-old 'Real Housewives' star reflected.
“Within the last 5 months I have found out my son has a lifelong brain injury, my husband had a sexting relationship with another woman, my husband also betrayed me with his inappropriate relationship with a nanny, my husband filed for divorce via the tabloids, the police questioned my fitness as a mother, I took a new job as a podcaster, and I moved into a new home in California so I can devote family time to all of my kids during Hart’s therapy,” she continued in the intimate post.
“Let me reiterate: all of this has happened within the last 150 days," she added.
King Edmonds then proceeded to highlight the pain she endures from her periodic emotional outbursts. “Some days I want to scream (and I usually do), I get a lot of nerve-related pain that I am constantly trying to cure by releasing my emotional trauma,” she said. “My patience is tested by my kids who are adjusting to our new normal at their own pace and presenting as being extremely needy and whiney.”

She then spoke in-depth about her body image, noting she has "always been thin."
“But y’all, I’M SKINNY. I’ve always been thin. For the record, I am naturally thin and I’ve always had a healthy relationship with food,” she noted. “But right now, I am too skinny. I don’t like it. I won’t weigh myself because I’m scared to see what the scale says. When my clothes don’t fit I pretend like they do anyway. But I’m not hungry. I know I should eat but I’m surviving on adrenaline but decaying on stress (did I mention what has happened in the last 150 days? And let’s just really lay it on by being in the thick of the holidays).”
King Edmonds concluded the blog on a positive note. “But I digress. I agree, I’m too thin. Acknowledgment (sic) is powerful and allows me to psychologically take back control. However, you hurt me when you mention it. I’m working on it. Please, sit back and watch me thrive despite my setbacks," she wrote, adding, "The best is yet to come.”