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Meet Charles Shaw, the bail bondsman who kept Donald Trump out of prison...for $200K

Charles Shaw, who has been in Georgia's bond industry for 23 years, became the first person ever to secure the release of a former president
Former President Donald Trump (inset) used the services of Foster Bail Bonds in Atlanta (YouTube/WSB-TV, Fulton County Sheriff's Office)
Former President Donald Trump (inset) used the services of Foster Bail Bonds in Atlanta (YouTube/WSB-TV, Fulton County Sheriff's Office)

ATLANTA, GEORGIA: Bail bondsmen are no strangers to a diverse clientele, but Charles Shaw notably stands out.

With a career spanning 23 years in Georgia's bustling bond industry, he made history by becoming the first person ever to secure the release of a former president from jail. The former president in question? None other than Donald Trump himself.

Bailing out Donald Trump

Shaw's decision to accept the responsibility of bailing out Donald Trump in Atlanta was marked by confidence and a sense of security.

He told the Daily Mail, "I think this is probably the most secure bond I've ever executed in my entire career." His office, situated in a suburban corner of the city, served as the epicenter of this high-profile case.

The unique opportunity granted Shaw an up-close look at one of the four legal battles being waged against the former president. His company, Foster Bail Bonds, played a central role in facilitating Trump's appearance at Fulton County Jail, where he underwent fingerprinting and a booking photo.

The process, which took just 14 minutes, was carried out to ensure that the 45th president would not abscond while out on bail. Shaw's expertise in setting up ironclad financial guarantees was put to the test, and he rose to the occasion.

(Fulton County Sheriff’s Office)
Former President Donald Trump's mugshot (Fulton County Sheriff’s Office)

The media frenzy surrounding Trump's case had an unexpected side effect for Shaw – it proved to be a boon for his business.

In Fulton County alone, one of six counties Shaw serves, his earnings surged by approximately 10% since Trump's booking. Shaw, a former police officer, noted, "And that was not one of my more active venues," highlighting the impact of this high-profile case.

As the clock strikes nine in his bustling office, a client diligently fills out paperwork in the front office, seeking to secure the release of a family member. Meanwhile, one of Shaw's team members adeptly juggles two phone calls.

In another office, a staff member sifts through files of individuals who failed to appear in court, in need of gentle reminders regarding their legal obligations. "This is the busiest time," Shaw admitted. 

Charles Shaw: A trusted bondsman

Shaw's reputation as a trusted bondsman with strong connections to defense lawyers in the area played a pivotal role in attracting Trump and several co-defendants to him about a week before Trump was scheduled to surrender.

Bail bondsmen have their historical roots in medieval Britain, offering guarantees that the accused would not flee. While the nobility could use their land as collateral, those in lower social strata had no such recourse until the advent of bail bondsmen.

However, the practice of profiting from the bail system has waned in popularity, with the US being one of the few countries where commercial bondsmen still operate, alongside the Philippines.

Shaw and his colleagues operate by depositing cash with each county where they work. In Fulton County, Shaw has posted a staggering $1 million, guaranteeing a $10 million line of credit.

Each bond he underwrites counts against this limit, allowing clients to keep their assets liquid, a valuable resource for individuals facing mounting legal fees, including billionaires like Trump.


Trump received the same terms as any other client – Shaw agreed to post the $200,000 bail in exchange for a 10% fee.

Reflecting on the historic nature of the case, Shaw stated, "The former president was a big deal for so many reasons. I mean, it was history for me as a bail bondsman. I'm the only one in the world that has ever done this and probably ever will. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing, but that's a fact."

Trump's legal saga involves a sprawling 98-page indictment, featuring 19 defendants and 41 criminal counts. Throughout it all, Trump maintains his plea of not guilty.

Donald Trump's surrender

When Trump's private jet touched down in Atlanta, Shaw was ready to spring into action.

He had previously escorted Trump's former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, to jail and had been present during the early hours when other co-defendants, like Kathy Latham and David Shafer, turned themselves in. He also managed the bond for Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

As Trump's motorcade, complete with police outriders, navigated the streets of Atlanta en route to the jail, it evoked images of historic mobster trials. Shaw commented, "It was reminiscent of videos from the John Gotti trial where people were lining the streets, fans and foes on both sides."

Shaw watched Trump's arrival from the central booking area, separated by a transparent screen from his famous client. The jail's top brass were on hand for the occasion, ensuring everything proceeded smoothly.


While many details had been prearranged, the final step involved capturing fingerprints and a mug shot. Shaw described the 14-minute process as an "adrenaline rush," a whirlwind of activity that saw him getting only four hours of sleep over three days.

"It was an adrenaline rush," he stated. "The president's arrival and bonding was the pinnacle of that. But these other defendants ... we had people coming in at all hours of the night and day, so I think that I slept maybe four hours over three days."

When it comes to his own politics, Shaw remains somewhat elusive. He acknowledges that some of Trump's economic and national security measures had merits, but he asserts that he is not an unquestioning follower of any political figure. "He's a client, you understand," Shaw quips.

Shaw's current task is to ensure that his client is fully informed about his upcoming court appearance in Fulton County.