"Adelita’s present is the consequence of her past": Mayans M.C. star Carla Baratta opens up about her character

Kurt Sutter's 'Sons of Anarchy' proved to be a trendsetter at FX, with the crime drama's third season pulling in an average of 4.9 million viewers, making it the network's highest-rated series ever. It surpassed the likes of 'Shield' — another of Sutter's creations — and 'Nip/Tuck,' and ran for a total of seven seasons before calling it a day in December 2014.
Sutter had claimed at the time that he wanted the show to end in "a blaze of glory," and so it did. But rising from its ashes came 'Mayans M.C.', a spinoff that underwent numerous chops and changes since it was conceived in 2016, but would finally be set for a September 4, 2018, premiere. It similarly proved to be an instant success, with the series premiere averaging 6.8 million viewers and being declared by Nielsen as the most-watched cable series premiere of 2018.