'Mayans MC' Season 2 Episode 8 'Kukulkan' finally reveals who ordered the hit on Marisol and Felipe Reyes

Spoilers ahead for season 2 episode 8 'Kukulkan' of 'Mayans MC'
After stringing audiences along for most of season 2, episode 8 'Kukulkan' answered the burning question: Who ordered the hit on Marisol and Felipe Reyes (Edward James Olmos)? And the answer was right in front of our eyes.
The episode begins with Emily (Sarah Bolger) returning EZ's (JD Pardo) favor by looking through the Galindo family accounts in the family storage. She finds out that amounts matched those Happy (David LaBrava) had passed on to EZ earlier in the season. Yet, when she sneaks out of the nail salon to meet EZ, she is not ready to buy his theory of how it happened.
He tells her that if he weren't completely sure about the Galindo Cartel's involvement in the hit, he wouldn't have involved her. EZ says that he thinks that his father - at the time he was still identifying as Ignacio Cortino - did something to be on the bad side of Jose Galindo. In order to save their lives, Felipe fled from Mexico to Santo Padre with Marisol.
He also points out that it could have been Miguel. But Emily says, "He is not the person who destroyed your family." EZ iterates that he did and that he also destroyed them together, and their child. He clearly hit a nerve and Emily slaps him and tells him that he's wrong and that she will prove it.
Emily continues dodging EZ's calls. And later returns to the storage to find more information in order to prove EZ wrong. But what she finds there shocks her - the amounts are signed by Miguel Galindo's (Danny Pino) mother Dita (Ada Maris).
Armed with this evidence, Emily visits Felipe at the butcher shop. She shows him the proof and tells him that the payments came from Mexico and that copies match the amounts and that Dita ordered the hit. When she tells him that she doesn't know what to do with this information and whom to turn to. Felipe asks her for some time to figure out things - they both need to protect their families.
'Mayans MC' airs on Tuesdays at 10 PM on FX.