'Mayans MC' Season 2 Episode 7 'Tohil' preview: The club is out to rescue some trafficking victims

Spoilers ahead for Season 2 Episode 6 'Muluc' of 'Mayans MC'
The October 8 episode of 'Mayans MC' titled Muluc ended on a surprise note. EZ (JD Pardo) had gone to visit Marlon on Emily's (Sarah Bolger) request to help her agro park project. What was supposed to be a normal meeting ended up with Marlon dead - he shot himself in the chin after a brief tussle with EZ over control of his gun.
In the promo released by the network for its seventh episode titled 'Tohil', it doesn't look like Marlon's shooting is going to affect EZ. The club, this episode, is helping some human trafficking victims escape.
The teaser shows Bishop (Michael Irby) telling the Mayans that they must concentrate on this matter giving it first priority, over everything else. "This club does nothing else until we clean it up", he says. The promo shows the club trying to rescue the victims. "You know what separates us from all the other scumbags?" Bishop asks, "This piece of leather", he says pointing to his jacket.
After the last episode, we had imagined that the club would go after Potter (Ray McKinnon) for how he tortured Alvarez (Emilio Rivera) through the mercenaries. Alvarez was abducted by his men and tortured for information. But after he managed to cheat the mercs with a cryptic message, the club and the Galindo cartel managed to save him. But the promo for 'Tohil' shows that this is put on hold.
The promo also shows EZ introducing himself to someone who was just rescued. "I'm Ezekiel. Everyone calls me EZ", he tells her. "That would be easy", she tells him. They share coy glances as Leticia (Emily Tosta), Coco's (Richard Cabral) daughter watches them from behind. Is this going/ to evolve into something or is it just a temporary situation?
The promo shows the club breaking into somewhere to rescue trafficking victims. A fire breaks there and the next scene shows EZ run for something. Rest, we will know next week.
'Mayans MC' airs Tuesdays at 10 PM on FX.