'Mayans MC' Season 2 Episode 6: Marcus Alvarez is taken hostage and yet another rescue mission is launched

Spoilers alert for Season 2 Episode 6 'Muluc' of 'Mayans MC'
Episode six 'Muluc' of 'Mayans MC' revolved around the Mayans MC and the Galindo Cartel working together for yet another rescue mission, this time to rescue Alvarez.
Early in the episode, Marcus Alvarez (Emilio Rivera) was taken hostage by a group of masked men. While it is not revealed till the very end, it was safe to assume that it must have been Potter's (Ray McKinnon) men who carried out the abduction.
The episode begins with Alvarez's car breaking down. He calls Nestor (Gino Vento) for help. However, before Nestor gets there, the masked mercenaries arrive on the scene. They shoot Alvarez's men in the leg and take him hostage, forcing them into his vehicle.
Nestor is on his way to Alvarez when he sees the mercenaries pass him on the road. After Alvarez's men tell him that El Padrino is in trouble, Nestor heads the opposite direction following their car.
This is not the mercs' first rodeo. They realize they are being followed and split up. Nestor ends up following the right vehicle, but them splitting up is a trap. The other car that split up soon catches up with Nestor and T-bones his car, which doesn't kill him but injures him gravely.
In custody, Alvarez is brutally tortured — he is beaten repeatedly in the face, gets his jaw broken and even gets waterboarded. His nail gets chipped off and a spike is thrust into his hand.
In an attempt to get himself out, Alvarez tells the mercenaries that he will give them a lead. He sends a cryptic message to the club and the cartel, which once decoded, gives them information on his location. Alvarez now has 10 minutes before the mercenaries cut off his hands.
After a tense few moments, the club breaks into the location shooting down the mercenaries and rescuing a gravely injured Alvarez. However, the head of the mercenaries is Alvarez's to kill — he murders him by bludgeoning him to death.
This is where it gets confirmed that it was indeed Potter's gameplan. After the rescue, Potter figures out that Alvarez has been rescued. It almost seems like he saw this coming. He now shifts his attention to something else — finding out everything he can about Felipe (Edward James Olmos) and Ignacio.
But all's well that ends well, right? 'Mayans MC' airs on Tuesdays at 10 PM ET/PT.