'Mayans MC' season 2 episode 4 Lahun Chan: Is Happy going to die in season 2?
Spoilers for season 2 of 'Mayans MC'
In the upcoming fourth episode 'Lahun Chan' of season 2 of 'Mayans MC', the promo clip released by the network shows Angel (Clayton Cardenas) and EZ (J. D. Pardo) come face-to-face with the killer of their mother Marisol, Happy (David Labrava).
By the end of season 1, EZ had put the pieces together that it was Happy who killed his mother. Fans at that time speculated that the current season will show the Reyes brothers avenging their mother. EZ also spent the better part of the last few years in prison for accidentally shooting a cop after following Happy. This had also led to some fans predicting that the Sons of Anarchy would clash against the Mayans in season 2.
But before we get to the repercussions of the confrontation between the Reyes brothers and the 'Sons of Anarchy' character, the larger question is whether he will live to see the light of another day. The official 'Mayans MC' Twitter account posted a poll asking fans if Angel and EZ would kill him upon obtaining information about who wanted their mother dead and why or if they would leave him alive. Almost 61 percent of the 56.5K followers of the show noted that Happy would live to see another day, but 39 per cent voted that he was a dead man walking.
Will Happy make it out of his confrontation between EZ and Angel alive? #MayansFX
— Mayans MC (@MayansFX) September 18, 2019
Speculation on the internet is rampant about Felipe (Edward James Olmos) harboring some old and very crucial secrets -- secrets that he somehow shares with Dita Galindo (Ada Maris). While some fans believe that the two were having an affair when in Mexico, others speculate that Miguel Galindo might not really be Jose Galindo's child after all.
But it is definitive that Happy will live. If Marisol's murder has so much history to it, it is unlikely that his connection to the killing will be cut short this early on. Besides, it looks like he will be giving them some information that will be groundbreaking enough to divert them in a different direction.
Fans have their share of wild theories. "Miguel's mama had EZ's mama killed (or did it herself) because she wanted to be with Ignacio/Felipe and Happy was chasing whoever it was. Happy didn't do it, but I bet he knows who did. Happy will see tomorrow," said one fan.
Others, like us, think that no matter what happens between the brothers and Happy, it might involve their respective clubs. "I think either way next week's episode of what happens or will happen it will definitely end up with a war between the clubs, no matter what happens or will happen. I have a feeling that it will end up with a war between the clubs," said a fan. Many are rooting for Happy. "There is no way he survives all he did in Charming to get killed in his kitchen by a prospect! It would be the worst."
'Mayans MC' airs on Tuesdays at 10 pm on FX.