'MasterChef' season 10: Dorian's victory sparks racist storm on social media as some fans call victory 'a setup from the start'

Dorian Hunter became the first black woman to win ‘MasterChef’ title. While several fans came out to express their joy over her victory, few others were not so happy. Discrediting all her culinary merit, they attributed her victory to her race. These fans believe that Dorian won the competition because of the color of her skin.
Most of the fans who felt that Dorian didn’t deserve the win, backed it up with their theory that her food was “boring” and lacked any “innovation”, which Nick seemed to champion. A fan who believed that Dorian’s victory was unfair to Nick and Sarah tweeted, “When you win a cooking competition based on a person’s sex and color what’s the point? Sarah and Nick were robbed!#MasterChef”.

Fans felt that the surprise twist- elimination of a contestant after the entrée round was created just to get Nick out of the way so that Dorian’s victory would be secured. A fan shared her theory, “They got rid of Nick to pave the way for Dorian to win. I am so mad and disgusted.” Fans also feel that Nick was unfairly eliminated, as a fan wrote, “#MasterChef Eliminate the creative, young white male. Surprise...”. A fan posted, “Key to winning MasterChef-don’t be white AND wealthy”.
Many fans feel that Dorian’s victory was set up. A fan tweeted, “This may be the last time I watch #MasterChef. We called the winner near the beginning. It was a set-up from the time Dorian won the cake challenge. As a professional baker, that cake was hideous. PC, race and gender has no place in the kitchen. @MASTERCHEFonFOX”.