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Furious ‘MasterChef: Generations’ fans demand 'drama queen' Gordon Ramsay to stop overreacting

Gordon Ramsay, known for his hallmark rude comments, was labelled dramatic for his recent expressions
UPDATED JUL 11, 2024
Gordon Ramsay gets trolled by fans for overrating on fox show (@fox)
Gordon Ramsay gets trolled by fans for overrating on fox show (@fox)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Viewers of 'MasterChef: Generations' recently expressed their dissatisfaction with Gordon Ramsay's reactions on the show, urging him to tone down what they perceive as overreactions. Many took to social media to criticize Ramsay for his intense critiques and what they described as giving off 'weird vibes' during the episodes.

Some fans pointed out that while Ramsay's tough judging style has been a hallmark of the show, they felt his comments and reactions in the current season were overly harsh and not constructive. They argued that constructive criticism should be more balanced and focused on helping contestants improve rather than solely emphasizing their mistakes.

On platforms like Twitter, viewers shared their opinions, slamming him for his critique. "Gordon being dramatic for what?" said a user. "I’m over the dramatics of #masterchef… Gordon, just say yes. You know you will. Cut it out," said another. "Gordon Ramsay starting to feel like the Costco of chefs tho," added one.

"Ramsay get over it Gordon and move on. Drama queen," added another. "Crap episode team. Bad judging, weird vibe, judges are rude and dish looks foul. It’s like this show has become a big chore for everyone involved," said another.

Who won the immunity pin on 'MasterChef: Generations'

In the latest episode of 'MasterChef: Generations' Season 14, contestant Anna Johnson emerged victorious and won the immunity pin. Anna, who typically specializes in Ukrainian cuisine, decided to experiment by incorporating Spanish influences into her dish.

Reflecting on her win, Anna expressed her satisfaction and relief, especially for securing safety for her team: "I feel so good winning this challenge for my team. Millennials are safe," she said. Anna shared the risks she took with her culinary approach, which paid off handsomely in the competition. Her victory not only meant showing off her culinary skills but also saving her team and sharing immunity with them.

'MasterChef: Generations' contestant Anna Johnson impressed all four judges (@fox)
'MasterChef: Generations' contestant Anna Johnson impressed all four judges (@fox)

Who got eliminated in 'MasterChef: Generations'?

In the recent episode of 'MasterChef: Generations' Season 14, contestant Sunshine Carlos faced a tough challenge that ultimately led to her elimination. The challenge involved using 18-month-old Stilton cheese in her dish, which Sunshine struggled to incorporate due to its strong bitterness.

Initially excited to showcase her skills with Dry Aged Ribeye and accompanying sides, Sunshine became overwhelmed as she tried to figure out how to use the cheese effectively. She started cooking late into the competition, leading to issues with undercooked steak and greasy potatoes. Despite her efforts to turn the cheese into a compound butter, the judges, including Gordon Ramsay and Aarón Sánchez, criticized the dish for lacking balance and finesse.

Reflecting on her performance, Sunshine expressed disappointment at landing in the bottom three and acknowledged the intense pressure of the competition. Ultimately, her difficulties with the surprise ingredient and the dish's overall execution led to her elimination from 'MasterChef: Generations'.

MasterChef: Generations' Season 14 contestant Sunshine (@fox)
MasterChef: Generations' Season 14 contestant Sunshine (@fox)

'MasterChef: Generations' Season 14 airs every Wednesday at 8 pm ET on Fox