Martian Manhunter has everything it takes to lead a stand-alone eerie police procedural

Martian Manhunter’s possible upcoming spinoff is great news for fans of the character. The series, if it comes to be, will see David Harewood returning to the role. It is far past time for the Martian Manhunter to get his own spotlight, in what has the potential to be the strangest, and most compelling detective show of all time.
We are reaching a saturation point when it comes to superhero TV shows, but a show about the Martian Manhunter, otherwise known as the alien J’onn J’onnz does not need to be one. It would, arguably, work much better as a show that follows the adventures of the Martian Manhunter’s human guise - Detective John Jones.
There is a long and storied tradition of police procedurals with a supernatural twist - a character with a special ability working with the police to solve the crimes no one else can. The Martian Manhunter has a leg up on all of them. Created by Joseph Samachson and Joe Certa, he is every bit as strong as Superman, with every one of his powers - adding telepathy, shape-changing, and intangibility to an already extensive list.
While many crime show detectives claim to really get into the mind of a criminal, J’onn J’onnz is the only one who can do so literally. J’onn’s established mastery of telepathy, in particular, promises to add fresh ways to telling the kinds of stories uncovered in the solving of a crime. As shows like Legion have demonstrated, the realm of the mind can lead to surreal, new places for a TV show to explore.

Of course, it wouldn’t be much of a TV show if it only went after regular criminals. In the world established by Supergirl, there are already a myriad of alien species trying to live regular lives on Earth. What is life like for them? What special, strange abilities can counter the Martian Manhunter’s own formidable ones to keep him from solving a crime? Is there a criminal underworld for actual illegal aliens? There are many questions for a potential Martian Manhunter show to explore, and many opportunities for the show to establish a world that really stands apart.
The Martian Manhunter is one of DC’s most underrated characters. The weight of his lost culture lies heavily on his shoulders, as does the guilt of losing a family he will never see again. Watching J’onn struggle to find the balance between fitting in with the people of Earth and honouring the memories of his life on Mars is an integral part of his character, and what makes him unique. He is almost always an outsider, looking in, and that could ultimately be the heart of a great show - an outsider’s perspective providing a unique insight into the human condition.
Until then, however, his story continues, weekly, on 'Supergirl'.