Mariah Carey’s mother made her 10-year-old sister have sex with men and watch satanic rituals, lawsuit alleges

Mariah Carey’s sister, Alison, has filed a lawsuit against her mother accusing her of child abuse. In the suit, Alison alleged Patricia allowed and engaged several men whose identities are not revealed at present to have sex with the plaintiff when she was approximately 10 years old.
The suit also alleged that the mother of the Carey sisters forced Alison to watch adults engaged in sexual acts with both adults and children during middle-of-the-night and satanic worship meetings that included ritual sacrifices. Due to these alleged horrors, Alison suffered post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression, leading her to misuse both legal and illegal drugs. Her legal complaint added that she became a drug addict to suppress the horrific memories she had as a child and had to take the help of professional counselors to come out.
In compensation for the horrendous childhood memories, Alison demanded money from her mother for the immense psychological and physical damage, mental pain, anguish and severe emotional distress she had given to her intentionally. Although this is the first time details of Alison’s alleged dreadful childhood have emerged publicly, earlier she has mentioned that unlike Mariah she had lived a far darker life. The mother-of-four struggled with drug addiction for decades, even turning to prostitution.
She asked Mariah for monetary help in the past, stating that she does not have enough money to support her children. According to Mariah’s reps, the singer has supported her sister numerous times, including paying for Alison’s rehabilitation. Alison has also confirmed that it was true, adding, “but she has never let me forget one single cent she has ever spent on me.”
The sisters’ brother, Morgan, also thinks that Mariah is not doing enough for Alison. In 2016, he started speaking out against the singer and called her “evil” for not doing enough to help her sister. He had said: “Your sister is dying and she is struggling and where are you? You think you are so fabulous, but you are a witch… She is evil.”