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Donald Trump trolled after Mar-a-Lago resort shuts down due to Covid-19 outbreak: ‘Thought virus was a hoax?’

Trump, Melania and their son Barron caught Covid-19 last year, forcing the former president to spend a week in the hospital. That diagnosis was linked to Mar-a-Lago
UPDATED MAR 20, 2021
Former President Trump has been trolled for a Covid-19 outbreak at Mar-a-Lago (Getty Images)
Former President Trump has been trolled for a Covid-19 outbreak at Mar-a-Lago (Getty Images)

Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort has reportedly been "partially closed" due to an outbreak of Covid-19. According to club members, some staff have been asked to quarantine while a section has been closed "for a short period of time". It is not clear if the Trump family has been affected. A receptionist at Mar-a-Lago confirmed the closure but declined to provide further details. 

The closure was first reported by the Associated Press, who were tipped off by a member of the club. Several other sources confirmed the closure, including one person who is familiar with club operations. The person has not revealed their name since they were not authorized to speak about the situation. 


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Since Trump's return to the resort, it has become a popular destination for Republicans and supporters. Over the last few months, Trump has hosted fundraisers at the club, where visitors were not required to wear masks. It is likely the outbreak originated from these events, but we have no confirmation. Both Trump and Melania were vaccinated in January against the virus, but it is not clear if other members were.

President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort is seen on November 1, 2019, in Palm Beach, Florida (Getty Images)

What we know

On March 19, AP received information from a source at Mar-a-Lago that the resort had been partially closed. Members reportedly received an email from the club saying service had been temporarily suspended in the club’s dining room and at its beach club. According to the mail, the club had undertaken "all appropriate response measures, including sanitizing affected areas." The banquet and events services remain open. 

Since his return, the resort has hosted multiple events, including a fundraiser a week ago for Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump. On March 14, Trump's former press secretary Sarah Sanders hosted a fundraiser to support her run for Governor of Arkansas. In late February, Utah Senator Mike Lee also hosted a fundraiser. Photos from the events show almost no one wearing a mask or maintaining social distancing, so it is likely that they are the source of the outbreak. 

President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort is seen on November 1, 2019 in Palm Beach, Florida. President Trump announced that he will be moving from New York and making Palm Beach, Florida his permanent residence.

Trump, Melania and their son Barron caught Covid-19 last year, forcing the former president to spend a week in the hospital. That diagnosis was linked to Mar-a-Lago, where Trump met with a Brazilian official who tested positive after visiting the resort. Despite that, Trump has reportedly refrained from following protocols, hosting several large events at the resort and even at the White House. 

Back in January, Palm Beach County issued a warning to the resort after videos of a New Year's party emerged. The videos showed over 500 people present but very few were wearing masks as required. At the time, the club was told future violations would result in fines of $15,000. None have been issued so far. 

Trump made an appearance at a fundraiser for Lara Trump recently (@realtorvalentia via Instagram)

'Surprised Trump doesn't charge extra for Covid-19'

Since news of the outbreak made its way to social media, many users have trolled Trump. One user tweeted, "Trump’s Mar-a-Lago partially closed due to Covid-19 outbreak but I thought the virus was a hoax that would be gone soon?! Donny said it'll be gone by Easter, but he didn't specify what year."


Another said, "Hoooold on a second, there is a Covid-19 outbreak in Mar-a-Lago? Oh man, I can’t stop laughing... this is comedy imitating life imitating comedy. You can’t this shit up". One user compared the situation to New Zealand, tweeting, "So, what you mean to say is, "Trump's Club in Florida Has More Covid-19 Cases Than New Zealand." Got it."



"Mar-a-Lago partially closed due to Covid-19 outbreak Trump may not be president anymore but he's still ruining lives. the commitment!" tweeted another person. Another said, "I’m just surprised Trump doesn’t charge Mar-a-Lago members extra for Covid-19, a big beautiful disease synonymous with the Trump brand, the pathogen of winners."



One user commented, "I DEMAND that Mar-A-Lago OPEN IN THE NAME OF FREEDOM! Where are the 'patriots' marching with bats, bear spray, guns, etc., demanding that it open immediately?"


Florida is expected to see a massive resurgence in Covid-19 cases as spring breakers crowd the state, despite warnings by public health officials. Governor Ron DeSantis has also argued against the mask mandate and is working to overturn all restrictions in the state.