'Manifest' finale: Creator Jeff Rake positive about Season 2, says it will explore Cal's powers and more about Danny
MEA WorldWide (MEAWW) reached out to Rake to have a little chat about his show right before the season hits its finale, and he dropped some rather interesting clues, as he does

Jeff Rake is as secretive a man as the mystery hovering in his record-breaking show, 'Manifest'. His show on NBC has not only become a favorite among fans in the relatively short period of time it has been on, but the enthralling story has pulled in a pretty decent viewership for the network.
Starring Josh Dallas as Ben Stone, Melissa Roxburgh as Michaela Stone, Athena Karkanis as Grace, and Jack Messina as Cal, the show has a massive fan following for its gripping mystery about a plane which went missing for almost five and a half years. However, when it does return, the passengers have not aged a day and are now hearing voices in their heads, they refer to as "Callings".