Man arrested for doing nude yoga at Planet Fitness thought it was a 'judgement free zone'

34-year-old Eric Stagno has been arrested after he had gone to a Planet Fitness in New Hampshire and took off all his clothes before he started doing yoga while naked. Authorities reported he has been charged with indecent exposure, lewdness, and disorderly conduct at a location of the popular gym chain in Plaistow on July 22 afternoon. Stagno has since been released from custody on bail for an arraignment scheduled to take place on September 21 for the misdemeanor charges.
Captain Brett Morgan told the New Hampshire Union Leader: "The story we got from witnesses was that the guy walked in, stripped down right there in front, left the clothes and belongings at the front desk, walked back and forth across the gym a couple of times and then settled in over at the yoga mats." When police officers arrived at the scene, they found Stagno in the nude in a "yoga-type position". Morgan then said: "The only comment he made was that he thought it was a 'judgement-free zone', apparently referencing their slogan."
The captain told the Boston Globe that even though the outlet was filled with other patrons, Stagno had kept to himself and looked like he did not know that he was disturbing everyone else in there. He was arrested at the premises without any incident. Morgan told the Globe: "Some of the comments some witnesses gave were that they felt uncomfortable, disgusted, sick and unsafe. There were more witnesses coming forward than we could take names."
Some of the gym patrons who had been there at the time of the incident said that Stagno looked like he had been under the influence of something suspicious. One of the gym members, Kat Lancaster, told the news channel WMUR: "To me, it’s like, 'What did you smoke before you came to the gym?' No, I don’t think you should be at the gym naked."
Morgan also told the Globe that Stagno "did have some drug paraphernalia in his possession" but it is not known if he had been under the influence at the time of the incident. Mentioned in the Planet Fitness website is a promise of a "Judgement Free Zone" which is offered to the members so that they "feel comfortable regardless of their fitness level." Morgan told the publication: "It’s not a clothing-free zone."
The police captain is not sure exactly where Stagno was found inside the gym but he said: "He certainly wasn’t near the front window for everyone to see." The paramedics arrived at the scene after being called for and evaluated Stagno there but he did not want any further treatment. According to Morgan, Stagno was not a member of that branch of Planet Fitness but he was not sure if the man had been a member somewhere else. Members of the gym who have the black membership cards are allowed to use any Planet Fitness branch.
Stagno was subsequently released on a $1,000 personal recognizance bail and will be arraigned in the Plaistow Circuit Court on September 21 for the misdemeanor charges.