"I taste like buffalo, but chewier," says man who ate and fed friends meat tacos made from his amputated leg

This story is not something you would want to hear or even believe but turns out people are capable of doing things you'd never even imagine in your wildest dreams! Granted cannibalism was once a way of life in certain parts of the world, but now things have changed and eating human meat is universally frowned upon.
But what would you do if we told you of a man who voluntarily made a meal of his own body part and served it to his friends, who actually attended and partook of the meal!
One user on Reddit by the name of IncrediblyShinyShart, in a session of 'Ask me Anything' revealed how he invited his friends to his home for brunch. The surprise for many of the viewers on the internet was the fresh tacos served at the get-together. His guests reached his home and found to their delight a variety of pastries, cakes, mimosas, and tacos. The last item on the menu, however, the tacos, held a surprise for the netizens. The meat filling in them was taken from the man's foot.
For all of us who have not tried out human flesh before, it allegedly tastes just like a combination of pork and veal. Many people would shy away from the opportunity to try out the "exotic" meat and it is definitely not for the faint of heart.
How did he happen to have a foot lying around? The 38-year-old says two years ago he was driving along on his bike which reached speeds of up to 72 km or 45 miles per hour. He got into a terrible accident and his one foot became unusable. All the bones in the foot were completely shattered and the doctors at the hospital said that he would never be able to use the foot again and would have to amputate it. The Reddit user weighed all his options and finally decided to amputate. His only condition was that he would get to keep his leg.
The hospital officials thought about it and decided to let IncrediblyShinyShart keep his severed leg at home. He popped it into the freezer when he got it.
Why would anyone in their right mind do that? Turns out he had his reasons. He told Vice in an interview: "It just seemed like an object, not a piece of a person. There was no emotional connection. In fact, that was the weirdest part, was that it wasn’t weird." The man then invited over 11 of his most easily persuaded friends who would get to take part in this weird once-in-a-lifetime culinary adventure along with him. Ten out of the 11 who were invited said yes and now the story gets a little gross and weird.
A professional chef was called in to take a sizeable bit of the flesh from the Redditor's leg near the shin area. He then marinated the flesh overnight and then finally sauteed it up with peppers, onions, and lime along with tortillas and tomatillo sauce.
The weird part is that it is legal to eat human flesh in all states in the US except for Idaho. This doesn't mean a person can just walk into a market and pick up the perfect cut of human flesh because, you, know, that's quite odd and people would generally tend to stay away from you if you asked for human flesh.
The Redditor explained the whole thing to Vice by saying in the interview: "It had a very pronounced, beefy flavor to it. The muscle I cut was tough and chewy."
According to the user, out of the ten friends who had gone to his house to try out the human flesh tacos, nine of them were able to eat it without feeling like anything strange, while the tenth one had to "spit me into a napkin after chewing for a while". This is not all that weird considering he called his own friends submissive.
IncrediblyShinyShart said in one of the comments that the entire experience has been life-changing for him personally and that his life and the rest of the problems that were bothering him have now started affecting him less and less. He said: "It was a way for me to close a lid on this part of my life...Things worked out so damn well afterward. My life has gotten so much better."
If you still haven't barfed by the end of this article then kudos to you and congratulations on finally reaching the end! As a congratulatory gift on your efforts staying with this story all the way till the end, click HERE to see the rest of the nasty images of the man who served up human flesh tacos to his friends. (WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES)