Man watched porn at ex-girlfriend’s house after strangling her and burying her naked body in her garden

LONDON, UK: A man strangled his film producer ex-girlfriend and then proceeded to bury her body in a shallow grave in her garden. Kirill Belorusov, 32, flatly denied killing Laureline Garcia Bertaux, 34, in southwest London, as reported. Belorusov had taken his ex-girlfriend out for dinner and shopping under the guise of helping her move out of her flat on Sunday, March 3, jurors were told. Officers then found her naked body wrapped up in bin bags three days later, after her friends got concerned.
The friends were worried about the messages that he had sent from her mobile phone. Prosecutor Oliver Glasgow QC said, "After carefully removing the earth, they discovered that a body had been buried in the garden. Once her body was examined it became apparent that she had been strangled to death and buried in the garden at some point during the weekend that Kirill Belorusov had spent with her."
Belorusov then allegedly used Bertaux's internet provider to access material on PornHub and texted her friends using her phone.
"Just after 4 pm that afternoon he went online and started to look at online casinos and then by 4 pm he was looking at pornography. Using the internet for 11 minutes to view different pornography films by using the website PornHub," prosecutor Glasgow said. "A few hours later, at 6 pm, her friends received more messages from her mobile which described the fact she had met someone out shopping."
However, Belorusov denies killing Bertaux and had broken up with her many months before. He then got in touch with her after claiming that he had found a new home and wanted to pay her back the money that he owed her. The court heard that the man owed her large amounts of money and was making constant excuses to avoid repayment. At one point, he said he was dying from cancer, reports said. DNA tests found a match of his on a ligature tied around her neck around six days after he was arrested in Estonia.
The jury was told that he was extradited back to the UK on March 20. Glasgow also shared that Belorusov had done everything he could to try and get away with the murder. He had buried her body in the garden, left the country before she was found, and had sent messages to her friends so that they would believe that she was alive and well.
"He expressed concern to those same friends when they contacted him to ask if he knew where she was; he sent messages to her phone begging her to get in contact with him; and he told everyone who got in touch with him that he would do all he could to help find her," Glasgow added.
Belorusov's trial is still ongoing. Bertaux's family who are from France traveled to attend court.