Man impersonates fictitious disabled brother to trick home care workers into changing his diaper to 'obtain sexual arousal'

A New Orleans man was arrested for impersonating as his nonexistent disabled brother simply to trick healthcare workers into changing his adult diapers.
A WGNO reports claims the man has been identified as Rutledge "Rory" Deas, 29, and he faces 10 counts each of human labor trafficking and sexual battery, and one count of possession of a controlled dangerous substance.
Police claim that he used the process to "obtain sexual arousal." Reportedly, Deas created umpteen social media posts for home healthcare workers and mentioned in the ads that the services are meant for his 18-year-old mentally and physically disabled brother, "Cory." Post his identification, he was arrested and taken to Orleans Parish jail on Wednesday night.
According to a press release issued by Louisiana State Police: "Upon arranging for a home health care provider, Deas would then pose as 'Cory' while allowing the care provider to change his adult diaper and obtain sexual arousal under the false pretenses of being disabled."
"After providing home care on at least ten separate occasions, the victim became increasingly suspicious of Deas' behavior and subsequently discovered 'Cory' was actually Rutledge 'Rory' Deas posing as his fictitious handicapped brother."
The case first came into notice when one of the nurses went to deputies after she wasn't paid for her services. In August, a second victim complained and said she was owed about $7000 in back payments.Earlier this month, a third victim complained that he was approached by a man named Kelly for home care services for his disabled brother.
The investigation is still going on and additional victims are anticipated. Anyone suspected of being a victim of Deas is urged to contact LSP Detectives at (504) 310-7000.