Elephant crushes handler to death after he beats the animal during bath and accidentally slips

The shocking moment the mahout (handler) of an elephant was accidentally crushed under the massive animal's body after he hit it so hard that he lost his balance and fell underneath it was caught on camera in the state of Kerala, India.
Arun Panikkar, the main mahout of the elephant named Bharath Viswanathan, died tragically while he was giving the elephant a bath at Karappuzha in Kottayam district. According to CCTV footage of the incident, the mahout can be seen instructing his elephant to sit on the floor while he giving a bath to the massive creature.
As the large tusker starts sitting much to his apparent discomfort, Panikkar's legs slip on the slick ground and he falls beneath the elephant. The animal, who clearly doesn't realize what happened, then proceeds to sit on his handler, Daily Mail reported.