Man who killed girlfriend and their unborn baby by jumping on her stomach, gets two life sentences

A man who was arrested for killing his girlfriend and their unborn child had told his co-worker how he planned to kill her. Brock Wall was arrested for the horrific act of killing his girlfriend Fabiana Palhares and their unborn child. However, days before the CCTV footage showed him entering his partner's house providing the police with evidence that he had been involved in the murder, Brock had allegedly told a colleague about his plan to kill Fabiana. Brock was working on a construction site when he told his co-worker how he would kill his girlfriend. “I am going to f***ing kill her, I might punch her in the guts first,” he said at that time.
Fabiana died in February 2015 hours after Brock broke into her Varsity Lakes home and murdered her and their unborn child. On Monday, he was handed two life sentences for the double murder and will spend at least 20 years in jail for the brutal killings.
Three days before Brock was set to go on a trial, he changed his plea to guilty, reported More than 150 eyewitnesses were to make their statements at the trial and his blood-soaked clothes were going to be used as an evidence for the case. While entering the plea, Brock told the authorities that he was “sorry” for the brutal killings and it had all been “so hard to live with”.
Fabiana was murdered on February 2, 2015 but she tried to fight Brock until her last breath. In the middle of the attack, she managed to dial triple 0 on her phone, thus alerting the emergency service of the attack and screaming for help. The officers took less than 20 minutes to reach her house but, by the time they had arrived, it was too late.
Crock had injured Fabiana so badly that she couldn't survive. In order to kill their unborn child, Brock jumped on Fabiana's stomach so hard that the soles of his shoes were later identifiable as bruises on her skin. He later used a tomahawk to fracture her face and skull. When the police arrived at the location, they found her lying on her bedroom floor with a faint pulse. Crock was found down the street, a block away from the house where Fabiana was found dead.
His clothes were covered in blood and the police put a blue suit on him for taking the clothes as evidence. Two hours before the incident took place, Brock was provided with a restraining order that was supposed to stop him from going near Fabiana. After looking into the case, Justice Ann Lyons told the court that the murder was “the stuff of nightmares”. “The facts are chilling, horrific, and the stuff of nightmares,” she told the court. “Your attack became a murderous rage which was clearly full of hatred and anger.”
The court heard that Brock was physically and verbally abusive towards Fabiana on a number of occasions over a period of five months when they were together. One of the incidents states that, at Christmas time, Fabiana was forced to hide under a coffee table to protect herself from his beating. Fabiana was 10 weeks pregnant when she died. In the months leading up to her murder, Brock sent her threatening text messages.
He would often hide in the bushes to watch her sleep, accuse her of having a sexual relationship with other people, and broke into her house while she slept to go through her phone. “You stalked her, spied on her, abused her,” Justice Lyons told the court. “You became increasingly irrational, jealous and angry.” Following these incidents, Fabiana installed CCTV cameras at her home. These also helped with the case as it showed Brock arriving at her house with a tomahawk.
The court also heard that the couple was initially happy about the pregnancy but that did not last for long.“I hope you lose the baby, I don’t even know if it’s mine,” Brock reportedly said. Brock had also hinted about the murder to another colleague whom he allegedly told, "I’m going to go to jail for life over this woman.”
In his victim impact statement, Fabiana's brother, Raphael said that she was looking forward to becoming a mother. "There was a time when Fabiana trusted you, Brock,” he read. “What you have done is unforgivable. It is you who has to live with that, and we hope that it is something that comes to you every single day for the rest of your life, just as it comes to us.”