Man KILLED AND EATEN by lion after he broke into zoo to steal its cub

ACCRA, GHANA: A man was reportedly killed and eaten by a lion after he broke into an enclosure and tried to steal a cub.
The bone-chilling incident took place in Accra Zoo, Ghana, with the man in question believed to be in his thirties. He was reportedly spotted lurking on the premises on Sunday, August 27, at about 12 noon after somehow managing to scale the zoo's security fence. The intruder was later pounced upon by the pride and devoured in what the Forestry Commission suspects to be an attempt to steal a cub.
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The man, who was not identified, succumbed to the injuries he sustained in the attack which took place "within the inner fencing of the enclosure." The commission, however, added that the motive of the intruder was yet to be confirmed. Authorities arrived at the scene to remove the body before an investigation was launched. His body has since been deposited at the morgue.
Authorities confirmed that the lion, lioness, and their two cubs are safe and remain secure at the zoo. The commission also stressed that no lion had escaped from the enclosure as a result of the incident. Benito Owusu Bio, the deputy minister of lands and matural resources, was joined by John Allotey, the chief executive of the forestry commission, for a visit to the zoo to ensure that "all facilities remain secure", the statement concluded, according to The Sun.
MEAWW previously reported how a bull with flaming horns gored a man identified as Adrian Martinez Fernandez in Madrid, Spain. The aggressive and burning beast attacked the 24-year-old in the town of Vallada in Valencia and he later succumbed to his injuries. The bull's horns were lit as part of an annual festival event run in tribute to a patron saint. A few minutes after the horns were set alight, the bull turned Fernandez over and attacked him. The attendees watched on in disbelief, albeit most of the festival goers were protected by proper railings. According to the Daily Mail, the attack damaged the victim's spleen and caused several other internal injuries, leaving medical staff with no hope of saving his life.
MEAWW also reported how one of the world's most famous tiger tamers died after being fatally mauled by four of his big cats as he prepared for one of his shows in Italy. The 61-year-old performer, Ettore Weber, was attacked and mauled to death on July 4, 2019, when he was getting ready to put on a show at the Circo Orfei, Italy's world-famous circus. The circus had set up camp in the countryside near Bari, the capital of southern Italy's Puglia region, and Weber was rehearsing for one of his famous acts when one of his tigers reportedly knocked him down. Three other tigers then pounced on him and mauled him to death before proceeding to "play" with his body for the next 30 minutes, with medics helplessly watching the gruesome scene unfold.