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When is Madison Beer's latest album ‘Silence Between Songs’ releasing? Singer takes listeners on powerful emotional journey

Madison Beer's music is a true testament to putting one's unique stamp on their passions while being true to their authentic self
'Silence Between Songs' will be out on September 15 (@madisonbeer/Instagram)
'Silence Between Songs' will be out on September 15 (@madisonbeer/Instagram)

Madison Beer's unique sleeping habits are just the beginning when it comes to the interesting details of her life and her upcoming album. Beer, an up-and-coming musician, shares that she can't sleep without the TV on, ensuring her mind stays busy enough to keep her thoughts at bay. However, in her newest album, 'Silence Between Songs', Beer explores the power of silence and reflection and takes on a powerful emotional journey. As per Rolling Stone, she explains that those moments between the noise are when she was able to truly listen to herself and create her most personal and emotional tracks yet.

"Those moments in between the noise is when you’re able to reflect,” she says. “I was able to look at things with a better perspective. That’s where these records came from,” Beer added. 'Silence Between Songs' will be out on September 15.

'There’s been a lot of emotions'

Beer, now 24, emphasizes that the album wasn't difficult to create. Instead, 'Silence Between Songs' came together naturally as she drew inspiration from the moments of growth and hardship in her life. Released just weeks after her memoir, 'The Half of It', Beer reveals that fans of her book will have a clearer vision of the stories behind her music. As a result, the album features serious and emotional tracks that hold a deep personal significance for the artist.

One standout track on the album is a ballad Beer wrote about her younger brother, Ryder. Deeply affected by how her decision to pursue music has impacted their relationship, she sings intimately and honestly about how he continued to love her despite this. "I always left you out, you still loved me somehow," she laments, allowing her fans to explore her personal life in an intimate and profound way.

Beer's new album, 'Silence Between Songs', is a testament to her willingness to be vulnerable and share her deepest emotions through her music. Although her unique sleeping habits may seem like a quirk, they are, in fact, a perfect reflection of the artist herself. Determined to always be busy and on the move, this album is proof that sometimes it's in silence that we discover the most emotional and profound moments of our lives.

“There’s been a lot of emotions and experiences that we’ve shared over the last 12 years of me doing this with my life, which has then affected his life in turn,” she says. “Becoming older and being able to reflect on how my choices impacted him without me even knowing they were going to, because I was also just such a young kid,” Beer said.

She also has a song dedicated to her father and the “painful” relationship she’s had with him throughout her life. “It’s something I’ve never really spoken about because it’s hard and I don’t want to air him out,” Beer says. “But it’s also something that I feel has shaped me as a person. I do love him for who he is, even if some of the things he does hurts me.”

'Home to Another One'

On Friday, the TikTok sensation turned musician will delight her fans with the release of her much-awaited album’s lead single, titled 'Home to Another One'. The song’s influences are a perfect blend of two of Beer’s favorite artists, Lana Del Rey and Tame Impala. Beer goes on to explain that the track is about meeting her ex-boyfriend, who has moved on since their breakup. The song’s energy is unlike anything she’s ever done before, and she believes it is a genuine representation of herself. Although listeners can hear her favorite artists’ influences, Madison feels the song is still deeply rooted in her authentic style.

“The energy of the song is something like I’ve never done. It’s really true to me,” she says. “And I feel like even though you can hear those influences that I love so much, I do feel like we still really made it [very] Madison.” She added.

Despite drawing inspiration from Del Rey's iconic sound, Beer remains true to herself, evident in her music style, which is undeniably her own. The opening track of her album beautifully blends alternative-pop melodies with her signature vocals, creating a unique sound that showcases Madison’s artistry. The album’s lead single, 'Home to Another One', showcases a more contemplative side to Madison’s songwriting abilities. The song carries a nostalgic undertone that is both intricate and deeply personal. The track perfectly captures the bittersweet feeling of running into an ex-lover who has found someone new. It is a true masterpiece that blends the classic beats of Lana Del Rey and the psychedelic vibe of Tame Impala with Beer's distinct style.

Beer got the highly sought-after opportunity to share the album with Del Rey, whom she idolizes, for feedback. Del Rey praised the opening track, something that Beer says she can't believe.

“She said she listened to it a couple of times back to back, and I can’t believe that,” Beer says. “It’s so awesome to have someone who has been such an idol of mine be so supportive of me and gracious always… She’s definitely someone that makes me believe in goodness.”