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‘America's Got Talent’ season 14: Singer Luke Islam, 12, is Julianne Hough's golden buzzer winning performer

As the auditions for the 14th season of 'America's Got Talent' came to an end, the golden buzzer from the new judge Julianne Hough was still up for grabs. Read on to know how Luke Islam, a 12-year-old aspiring Broadway star won the coveted Golden Buzzer from Julianne.

Luke Islam, a twelve-year-old aspiring Broadway star achieved what many can only dream of. He got the coveted golden buzzer and that too from his favorite judge Julianne Hough. Luke hails from New York City, the mecca of ‘Broadway. In his introduction sequence, Luke’s father shared that the young singer started singing the moment he learned to talk. Luke even revealed that he sings all the time, even while brushing, although he isn’t sure if that is healthy.

Luke Islam -- (Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC)

Luke attended his first Broadway show at the tender age of six, and since then there has been no turning back. The magic of Broadway has sure enchanted the boy. He also listed out an impressive number of Broadway performances he has watched up until now. Luke remarked, “My dream is to become a star and make it to Broadway.” His passion for Broadway shines through his eyes.

Before his performance began, Gabrielle playfully asked him who his favorite judge was, he initially responded by saying he likes all the judges, but later shared that if he had to pick one it would be Julianne and that earned him the red buzzer from Simon for picking favorites. After this banter, Luke performed his song, “She used to be mine” from the Broadway show ‘Waitress.’
His intense and passionate rendition of the song moved Julianne to tears. The audience and judges gave him a standing ovation at the end of his breathtaking performance. Gabrielle excitedly commented saying, “You killed it”. Howie and Simon appreciated his beautiful performance, while Julianne summed it all with her lovely words and complimented the talented performer. She said, “I believe not only are you going to become a star and get your dream to come true, and I don’t think you need to wait that much longer “and with that she hit the golden buzzer. It was a beautiful and emotional moment with Luke overwhelmed by all the love and support and the audience loudly cheering for him.

Julianne soon tweeted about the young singer who completely won her over. 

Julianne's tweet about Luke Islam (source: Twitter)

Fans also appreciated Julianne's decision to hand out the golden buzzer to Luke. A fan tweeted saying, "That is a Broadway voice with the power and energy and emotion to succeed!" While another wrote, "Infinite love and gratitude! Thank you for sharing your amazing voice. Looking forward to seeing more of you and buying a ticket for your Broadway show!!" 

Luke, got the well-deserved final Golden Buzzer, which takes him straight to the live performances in the Hollywood.