'Love on the Spectrum': Amazing parents of young adults with autism are the show's real unsung heroes

Netflix's 'Love on the Spectrum' is sure to fill you up with all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings after watching how beautifully the show's creators captured the lives of young adults who are on the autism spectrum. While the central focus is on the young adults as they navigate the tricky world of dating and learn to handle social interactions and situations better, we can't help but throw light on their parents.
They may not have the same spotlight over them as their children get on 'Love on the Spectrum', but they most definitely are the unsung heroes of the show. The parents of Michael, Chloe, Mark, Maddi, Andrew and Kelvin are nothing short of amazing for the way they raised their children to be young, confident adults in this dog-eat-dog world.
Instead of fussing over their son and giving him extra special treatment, Michael's parents constantly challenge him by explaining to him how the world works and encouraging him to step out of his comfort zone while maintaining their endearing and supportive attitude towards him. When Michael reveals his plans of not starting a family as soon as he finds a girl, his mother questions him on whether he took the girl's choice and opinion about it into consideration. She gently explains to him about how he also needs to take his future girlfriend/ wife's thoughts and feelings into consideration before making any big decision.
We see all the parents going the extra mile to make sure that their children never feel defeated or inferior to anyone. For instance, when Chloe gets ready to go on a date, her father and brother coach her on how to act on her date. They make it very clear to her that she doesn't have to sit through it if at any point she begins feeling overwhelmed or suffocated. They even give her an exit strategy that she can use in such tricky situations.
While Mark's parents and Kelvin's father are very eager to see their sons' find love, they aren't hesitant to seek external help for the same. From sending their children to relationship boot camps to enlisting the help of a relationship counselor, these parents are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that their child stays happy and gets to experience as much out of life as they can.
One of the most heartwarming moments is when Andrew's father breaks down in front of the camera. When the producer asks Andrew's father what was the toughest thing for him while raising Andrew, we hear something that both breaks and warms our hearts. His father reveals how Andrew used to wish that he was "normal" like everyone else. We see the pain and hurt in Andrew's father's eye as he shares it in front of the cameras. Andrew's father then begins explaining how he's happy and proud of Andrew just the way he is and wouldn't have him any other way. With such loving and caring parents and family by their side, these young adults can accomplish anything they set their eyes on.
'Love on the Spectrum' is available for streaming on Netflix.