'Love Is Blind': Mark says he went on a date with Giannina twice, Jessica was the first woman he ever proposed

Mark Anthony Cuevas may not have got married by the end of 'Love Is Blind' but he sure won hearts with the way he handled all that went on in the series. In a recently released podcast by 'Good Bad Behavior,' the reality TV star shared information that was not known until now.
In one of the episodes, we see how supportive Mark's mother was of the whole process. She even said, "when it's right, it's right" to a doubtful Jessica Batten who harped on how Mark would have to let go of a lot of his younger, fun years just to be in a marriage with her. During the podcast, Mark reiterated how understanding his family has been. However, her sister was not sure of how things would turn out and therefore, discouraged him from participating in the show.
He went on to reveal how he was cast on the show. The makers reached out to Mark, asked him to fill out the application form, which was followed a three-month-long interview process. And that was just the tip of the iceberg. He later had to be on a three-hour phone call with the producer of the show and later take part in a psych evaluation, Mark elaborated on the podcast.
Even though Jessica and he didn't get their happily-ever-after, Mark seems to value the emotional connection he built with her on the show. He said they didn't bond just because they were both from Chicago, but because their relationship was way deeper. Unfortunately, because of time constraints and the limited number of episodes, much of their rapport wasn't aired.
Singletons on the show speed-dated from out of pods. And by the end of the 10th day, Mark may have picked Jessica as his fiancee. He also found a friend in Amber Pike, who eventually married Matt Barnett. Both Mark and Amber decided to help each other out with their relationships. He also became good friends with Diamond Jack and helped her understand Carlton Morton better.
"Not that there was anything wrong with them. Based on how much time we had with everybody. Eventually, what happened was that you rank people from one to 15. And that would depend on the next day like how much time who you saw based on how they ranked you. And so sometimes, the people you wanted to see you really get to see them but like maybe one other date after that. I went on a date with GG maybe like twice the entire time. Whereas, I went on a date with Jessica every day. Because of the ranking system, you don't really get to connect with them," Mark revealed.
In the podcast, Mark was being very open about his thoughts and opinions. But it was not always like that. Even on the show, he said how the boys kept journals and once everyone reached date five, they started to talk about their feelings for the girls on the other side of the pods. Sharing further, Mark said Jessica was the first woman he ever proposed. "I just jump into things," he laughed.
Jessica and Mark's story didn't end well but doesn't look like he is holding it against her.
Catch all the episodes of 'Love Is Blind' on Netflix.