‘LOTR: The Rings of Power’ Season 2 Episode 4 Ending Explained: Tom Bombadil’s revelation foretells a major showdown
Contains spoilers for ‘LOTR: The Rings of Power’ Season 2 Episode 4
MIDDLE-EARTH: In ‘LOTR: The Rings of Power’ Season 2 Episode 4, Elrond and Galadriel set out for Eregion to warn Celebrimbor about Sauron. Meanwhile, Nori becomes separated from the Stranger and encounters the leader of a hidden Stoor settlement.
The Stranger also has an unexpected meeting that reveals a harsh truth he wasn’t prepared for. Here’s a closer look at the events of this episode and the fate that awaits the inhabitants of Middle-earth.
What happens with Elrond and Galadriel?

The Elves, renowned for their justice and selflessness, found themselves in a critical situation in ‘LOTR: The Rings of Power’ Season 2 Episode 4. Galadriel was initially taken aback when Gil-galad revealed that Elrond would lead the convoy to Eregion to inform Celebrimbor of Sauron’s impending threat. While Galadriel trusted Elrond’s leadership, she was troubled by the visible distrust among the Elves. Elrond, still upset that Galadriel had prevented him from destroying the ring, worried that she might be swayed by Sauron once more. The secrecy surrounding her past encounters with Sauron only deepened his concerns. Despite their shared goal to combat the darkness threatening Middle-earth, Elrond and Galadriel clashed over their approach.
As they journeyed to Eregion, they discovered that Sauron had destroyed the bridge leading to their destination. With no alternative but to traverse the forest, Galadriel feared a trap and argued against taking that route, influenced by visions from the ring. However, Elrond was determined to press on, refusing to let the ring dictate their path. He insisted that Galadriel could return to Lindon if she disagreed, but she chose to stay.
The forest soon became a battleground when Elrond’s battalion was attacked by the spirits of fallen kings. Though they managed to repel the ghosts, their troubles intensified as they spotted Adar and his vast Orc army marching towards Eregion. Unbeknownst to them, Sauron had aligned himself with Adar, disguised as the king of the Southlanders, to wage war against the Elves. An Orc’s stray arrow gravely wounded an Elf, but Galadriel used the ring’s power to heal him, astounding Elrond with her magic.
In a dramatic turn, Galadriel decided to sacrifice herself to ensure the safety of Elrond and the others, though Elrond suspected her motives were more about protecting the ring than saving the Elves. She entrusted the ring to Elrond and launched a fierce attack on the Orcs, ultimately facing Adar once more. Elrond, recognizing the dangers of relying on the ring’s dark powers, understood that their predicament required unity. Despite their differences, he was determined to save his long-time friend and confront the evil threatening Middle-earth.
What did Tom Bombadil tell The Stranger?

Separated from Nori and Poppy, the Stranger found himself lost in the harsh terrain until he met Tom Bombadil. Tom, a mysterious figure who claimed to have witnessed the universe’s dawn and the transformation of forests into wastelands, spoke in riddles and hinted at his own powers. When the Stranger sought to learn from him, Tom suggested he wasn’t ready, referring to visions of trees enveloping him. Tom, showing deep respect for the trees, only freed the Stranger when he chose to. The Stranger also heard a woman’s voice from outside Tom's cottage, which Tom dismissed as insignificant, potentially belonging to his wife, Goldberry.
Tom Bombadil’s revelation to the Stranger was pivotal: he foretold that the Stranger would have to confront both Sauron and the Dark Wizard, a daunting prophecy that left the Stranger deeply troubled. Struggling with his unmastered powers, the Stranger’s urgency to learn magic from Tom stemmed from his realization of the immense challenge ahead. Understanding the gravity of his role in stopping the dark lord’s quest for domination over Middle-earth, he felt the weight of this responsibility acutely. Episode 4 underscored that his path is set—facing these formidable foes is his unavoidable fate.
What happened between Nori and the Stoors?

In ‘LOTR: The Rings of Power’ Season 2 Episode 4, after Nori and Poppy lose track of the Stranger, they stumbled upon a small Stoor settlement by chance. There, they met a peculiar man who introduced himself as “Nobody” but revealed his real name was Merimac, a name given to him by his mother. Merimac seemed strangely captivated by Poppy, almost as if he were under some spell.
When they encountered Gundabel, the leader of the Stoors, things took a tense turn. Gundabel, initially suspicious of their quest to find a giant, ordered her men to restrain them. However, she changed her tune once she heard the name Sadic Burrows, releasing them from their bonds. Gundabel was a believer in an old prophecy that spoke of a savior who would lead them to a promised land of peace. Nori, feeling she didn't fit this role since she had no place to call home, tried to explain this to her.
The situation took another twist when masked agents of the Dark Wizard arrived, demanding information about the wandering halflings. Gundabel’s exact role in the larger story remains unclear, but it’s interesting to note that in the future, a Stoor named Smeagol—who will become Gollum—will have a significant impact on the struggle against Sauron.
Is Theo found?
Arondir quickly saw through Estrid’s facade and realized she wasn’t who she seemed. She had guided them to search for Theo in the forest, but Arondir suspected she might be leading them into a trap. During a conversation between Estrid and Isildur, Arondir abruptly confronted her, revealing a mark of Mordor on her neck. This revelation shattered Isildur, who had grown close to Estrid and had developed feelings for her.
Despite being a wildling, Estrid’s intentions were never to harm Arondir or his companions. After Arondir restrained her, she joined the search for Theo in the forest. As it turned out, Theo had witnessed the destruction of the Ents and the forest's original inhabitants by the Orcs. The angry trees were ready to kill Arondir, Isildur, and Estrid, but Arondir managed to convince them of their harmless intentions. Estrid later proved her worth by saving Arondir and Isildur from a dangerous swamp creature.
By the end of ‘LOTR: The Rings of Power’ Season 2 Episode 4, Arondir finds Theo, and they share a moment of reconciliation where Theo apologizes for blaming Arondir for his mother’s fate. Just as Isildur was about to kiss Estrid, a man—her fiancé—arrived and embraced her. Estrid was overjoyed to see him alive, leaving Isildur with a heartache he wasn’t prepared for. Arondir noticed Isildur's pained expression and understood exactly what he was feeling.
Looking ahead, it seems likely that Arondir will ally with other Elves like Elrond and Galadriel. They’ll need to unite against the formidable enemy they face. With Sauron working with Celebrimbor to set traps for the Elves, the stakes are high. Adar’s capture of Galadriel, something that Elrond and Gil-Galad didn’t foresee, will undoubtedly impact their plans. It will be intriguing to see how they rescue her and how the Stranger prepares for the upcoming battle against the Dark Wizard and Sauron.