'Looney Tunes Cartoons': Bugs Bunny's carrot-eating mannerism was inspired by Clark Gable

'Looney Tunes Cartoons' are not going anywhere and are here to say. The cartoons return on HBO Max, much to the joy of fans, and we can get to see all our favourites again, Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Tweety and the whole crowd.
Looney Tunes have persisted for over 70 years and there are so many rich anecdotes attached to the characters. Let's take Bugs for example. There's an image of Bugs Bunny that has been burnt into our memory: He's standing, all nonchalant and eating a carrot. He casually, "What's up doc?" It's an iconic line that has persisted for almost 60 years. The best part is that this line has an origin story. The mannerism is modeled on none other than legendary actor Clark Gable himself.
Bugs' relaxed way of life was inspired by a scene in the 1934 film 'It Happened One Night'. During that scene, Peter Warne (Gable) leans against a fence, snacks on carrots, while talking rapidly, with his mouth full. As this was Bugs Bunny creator Friz Feleng's favorite film, he used this scene to portray the cartoon character we all know today as Bugs Bunny. As the film was quite popular at the time, viewers spotted the connection and thought Bugs's behaviour was satirical.
However, the carrot eating was not the only inspiration from 'It Happened One Night'. Bugs Bunny’s character was based on Oscar Shapely’s (portrayed by Roscoe Karns) personality and even his name was based on an imaginary film character named “Bugs Dooley” that once frightened Oscar Shapely.
Here are some other facts you might not know about the hilarious Bugs Bunny. For starters, Bugs Bunny is actually a US Marine. At the end of the 1943 short 'Super-Rabbit', Bugs wears a USMC blue uniform. Following this, they made Bugs an honorary private of the corps. Throughout WWII, Bugs was promoted in rank until he retired as a Master Sergeant. Another interesting anecdote is that Bugs was the first cartoon character to appear on a stamp. Along with Mickey Mouse, were the first two animals to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
To create the effect, Mel Blanc actually did eat carrots while voicing the character. And he appeared as an extra in a Porky Pig cartoon.
Before we sign off, did you know that Bugs Bunny's original name was Happy Rabbit?