Looks like the dead will remain dead: Avengers: Infinity War directors smother hopes of mass resurrection

The frenzy of 'Avengers: Infinity War' hasn’t died down as yet. The anxiety to do with half the characters biting the dust after Thanos snapped his finger is getting unbearable with time, with numerous fans speculating theories about the quantum realm and time traveling.
Most of the fans are vouching for superheroes like Spiderman and Black Panther to be resurrected. What’s more? Just a few days ago, Stan Lee did what he could to keep the fans hoping for their favorite superheroes to come back from the dead. Let’s pop that bubble of hope, shall we?
According to Huffington Post, before the movie released, directors Joe and Anthony Russo promised fans that certain plot points in the movie would be conclusive. Writer McFeely told Huffington Post that, “If we say goodbye to some characters, we will say it permanently.”
However, even the faint ray of hope after MARVEL announced sequels of Black Panther and Spiderman Homecoming are likely to go in vain.
“Here’s the thing, I think it’s important to remember anything is possible in the MCU,” said Anthony Russo to Huffington Post. Responding to complaints against the movie’s ending, in which the Mad Titan wiped out half the population of the world, including some of our beloved superheroes by snapping his fingers.
“Just because there’s a sequel on the record it doesn’t mean… people become accustomed to time moving linearly in the MCU. That doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. There’s a lot of very inventive ways of where the story can go from here.”
This, therefore, implies that there could be a possibility that Black Panther 2 is set in a different time frame altogether. This implication can also hold good for Guardians of the Galaxy since there has been a considerable time lapse between events of GoGV2 and Infinity War. There would be tons of stories to tell.
But Spiderman movies, which had earlier stated to follow the Harry Potter model in production, are in a limbo. The Harry Potter model is basically the progression of each installment being set in either a new high school or school year for Peter Parker.
The director duo had earlier told Variety that “We do our best work when we follow out instincts and tell the story the way we want to tell. We’ve had one or two experiences early in our careers where we didn’t fo that and we learned a very hard lesson: When you try to predict what an audience wants, you’re going to make mush. When you commit to the story you want to tell it tends to have a much more resonant impact on the audience… The audience can tell you they love chocolate ice cream, but if you give it to them every day, they’re going to get sick of it real fast. You’ve got to stay ahead of them.”
The next two movies of MARVEL scheduled in July 2018 and February 2019, i.e. Ant-Man and the Wasp and Captain Marvel respectively are both set in a time frame before events of Infinity War took place. There are fans who believe that with these movies releasing, the concept of Quantum Realm would also be introduced which might open doors to resurrect the perished superheroes.
Besides, the images from Avengers 4 and the dominant fan theory involving time travel and alternate dimensions give fans hope of challenging the deaths of those who perished in Avengers 3.
But remember Anthony Russo also said in the beginning that anything was possible? So let’s not give up hope yet.