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'Looking good': Pics of John Fetterman in a suit gets Internet all warm and fuzzy

John Fetterman confirmed he would wear a suit and tie while presiding over the Senate floor before the resolution passed
John Fetterman wearing a formal suit while entering the Senate sends Internet into a frenzy (Getty Images)
John Fetterman wearing a formal suit while entering the Senate sends Internet into a frenzy (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, D.C: US Senator John Fetterman was recently spotted wearing a formal suit and tie instead of his signature hoodie and shorts after the US Senate passed a bipartisan resolution making formal business attire mandatory as the proper dress code for the Senate floor. 

The Pennsylvania Senator was photographed walking into the Senate chamber on Thursday, September 28, wearing a black suit, white shirt and sky blue tie.

However, the politician also included a subtle touch of his casual attire by wearing black sneakers as part of his new outfit.

John Fetterman wore suit to the Senate floor (Forbes Breaking News/YouTube)
John Fetterman wore suit to the Senate floor (Forbes Breaking News/YouTube)

Fetterman was seen beaming while donning his new outfit and even gave a thumbs up towards the camera while posing for pictures.

The democratic Senator's signature casual look often became the subject of debate before Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.VA) decided to bring forth the formal dress code resolution.


Internet reacts to John Fetterman wearing a suit in Senate

Social media users were quick to react to Fetterman leaving behind his usual casual garb and wearing a suit as he entered the Senate chamber. 

"Looking good, John!" one complimented. "John, Very handsome, as always no matter what you wear! And always a good man with a good, smart heart and head! [heart emoji] you," one wrote.

"Looking good @SenFettermanPA," another added. "Love you Fetterman. You look great!" one commented. 

"See how easy it was to wear a suit and tie? He looks great!" a fifth user mentioned. 


One remarked, "He looks good in a suit!" while another said, "I. Want. Those. SHOES! He looks amazing!"

"Go get em John show them your style and teach them how to legislate and how government should work for the people," one supporter posted. 

"Very nice. He's a great senator no matter what he wears," added another. 

One said, "@SenFettermanPA You look totally awesome in a suit, but we know whatever you wear, you go to work for us! Thanks!"

While another added, "He looks great. Now Jim Jordan will be required to dress this way too." 












What did John Fetterman say about the formal dress code rule? 

Following the passing of the dress code resolution, Fetterman told Forbes that he found the ongoing debate over the need of a formal attire in the Senate "mystifying" as they have other "important things" that should be addressed in the Senate but shared that everyone has "moved on" from the situation. 

Speaking about discussing the situation with his colleagues, Fetterman said, "no one has directly come to me and said, 'the world will burn if you wear a hoodie' kind of thing."


Even before the resolution's passing, Fetterman told CNN that he would wear a suit and tie while presiding over the Senate floor.

The senator, along with other members, would still be allowed to wear casual clothes and vote from the cloak room on the edge of the Senate floor.

A major backlash over the dress code issue erupted last week after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer eliminated the unofficial dress code. 

Republicans had earlier accused Schumer of eliminating the code initially to allow a concession to Fetterman.

However, Senator Manchin alongside Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) came together to write a dress code. 

"For 234 years, every senator who has had the honor of serving in this distinguished body has assumed there was some basic written rules of decorum, conduct and civility, one of which was a dress code," Manchin said. 

WALLINGFORD, PA - OCTOBER 15:  Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate John Fetterman holds a rally at
John Fetterman said he  would wear a suit and tie while presiding over the Senate floor even before the passing of the resolution (Getty Images)

Before the passing of the resolution, Fetterman also called on his colleagues to have the same enegry over New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez's bribery indictment as they had to criticize his outfits.

"This week, I hope to see my colleagues fully address the alleged systemic corruption of Senator Menendez with the same vigor and velocity they brought to concerns about our dress code," Fetterman said in a statement on Tuesday, September 26. 

After the resolution passed, Schumer said, "Though we've never had an official dress code, the events over the past week have made us all feel as though formalizing one is the right path forward."

"I deeply appreciate Senator Fetterman working with me to come to an agreement that we all find acceptable, and of course I appreciate Sen. Manchin and Sen. Romneyโ€™s leadership on this issue," he added.