''Long Island Medium': Comedian Louie Anderson breaks down as he reconnects with his father in season premiere

Comedian Louis Anderson appeared in the season premiere of 'Long Island Medium' as he hoped to get in touch with his deceased father. Anderson lost his father when he was a young boy. His father died in 1979 from a stroke and failed to see the success that Anderson achieved in his life. However, Anderson's mother, who died in 1990 did get a chance to see the man he is now.
Unfortunately, Anderson did not have the opportunity to talk to his father and tell him about his achievements, aspirations, or get to know him apart from the distant father figure he was to him. The comedian was able to fill the void in his heart after Theresa Caputo helped him reconnect with his father.
Caputo assured Anderon that his mom and dad were still together as she could sense his father keeping his hand on his mother's shoulder. Anderson reflected by adding that it was usually how the two used to click pictures together.
At this moment, Caputo spoke about the beautiful love story that the two shared. Anderson remarked that his "dad was 50 when I was born so I never got to see that love affair." The comedian was shocked when Caputo asked him if he found a stack of letters that his dad wrote for his mother.
Anderson broke down into tears as he responded with a "yes". "Know that when you found those letters, they were with you at that exact moment," Caputo stated. "They are showing me a stack of letters tied with a pink ribbon."
Caputo added that Anderson's father was thanking his wife for being the "rock" of the family after his demise. Anderson was also left speechless and in tears after Caputo asked him if he was carrying a tie with him.
He could not control his emotions as he took the tie out and stated that it belonged to Rodney, his friend, who had been in a coma for almost 10 years before his death. He further added that the tie was given to him by his widow as she hoped that Anderson got a chance to connect with him as well.
The entire session left Anderson in tears as he got a chance to get closer to the ones he lost. He was pleased to have some questions answered and was pleased to know that his mother and father were watching over him.