'Locke & Key' Episode 6: The Well Lady has finally surfaced but do the villains have a plan of action?

Spoiler alert for 'The Black Door' Episode 6: 'Locke & Key'
After five episodes of mysteriously lurking behind the scenes, we are finally treated to a big reveal about the Well Lady (Laysla de Oliveira). We now know her name.
More than halfway into the season and we have finally learned her name: Dodge. What that has to do with anything is unclear and why the show kept that name a secret for so long is similarly obfuscated. She is not even the biggest part of this episode — she's just the distraction for Sam Lesser (Thomas Mitchell Barnet), who is only now making an escape from prison despite being given the seemingly all-powerful Flame Key two episodes ago. Beyond "getting all the keys", neither of the villains seem to have any other significant plans, which begs the question — what's taking them so long?
When the season began, it promised to tease its mystery rather slowly. At this point, however, it feels like the pace is too slow and the villains themselves are just killing time before the season finale. As far as we can tell, the villains have no significant reveal that makes it worth waiting this long and their reduced presence on the show is starting to make 'Locke & Key' feel more than a little meandering.
Lesser is about to take the Lockes head on but it has been so long since he's been relevant to the show that it's hard to muster up any enthusiasm for his return. Episode 6 of a 10-episode season is not a good place for the show to make its audience wish the villains would just hurry up and get things over with.
All episodes of Season 1 of 'Locke & Key' are now available to stream on Netflix.