Epstein 'flaunted' young girls who 'could've been in high school' when they got off plane at private island, claim airport employees

The media has been left scrambling to understand what exactly went on in Little St. James, billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's 70-acre private island in the Caribbean, ever since he was arrested on July 6 on charges of sex trafficking.
However, locals in nearby St. Thomas have claimed Epstein continued to bring underage girls to the island as recently as this year, and that authorities did nothing to stop him despite his sex offender status.

In a conversation with Vanity Fair, two employees who worked at the local airstrip on St. Thomas said they witnessed Epstein boarding his private plane with minor girls on multiple occasions.
They told the outlet Epstein arrived with the girls aboard one of his two Gulfstream jets. Previous flight records show the jets were airborne at least once in three days between January 2018 and June 2019.
Records also show the jets made multiple stops across the world, including Paris, London, Slovakia, Mexico, Morocco.
“On multiple occasions, I saw Epstein exit his helicopter, stand on the tarmac in full view of my tower, and board his private jet with children—female children,” a former air traffic controller at the airstrip said on condition of anonymity. “One incident in particular really stands out in my mind, because the girls were just so young. They couldn’t have been over 16. Epstein looked very angry and hurled his jacket at one of them. They were also carrying shopping bags from stores not on the island. I remember thinking, ‘Where in the world have they been shopping?’”
The second employee, who also spoke to the outlet on condition of anonymity, claimed Epstein would land at St. Thomas at least twice a month. “There’d be girls that look like they could be in high school,” the employee recalled. “They looked very young. They were always wearing college sweatshirts. It seemed like camouflage, that’s the best way to put it.”

The employee added he and his co-workers would often joke about what they saw. “Every time he landed or took off, it was always brought up. We’d always be joking, ‘How many kids are on board this time?’”
But at the same time, they felt “pure disgust,” saying it was “absolutely insane” that a convicted sex offender was able to get away with so much as he did. “I could see him with my own eyes,” he said. “I compared it to seeing a serial killer in broad daylight. I called it the face of evil.”
According to them, Epstein was never shy or discreet about his travels with minor girls. In fact, his plane was always parked right in front of the highly public control tower. “The fact that young girls were getting out of his helicopter and getting into his plane, it was like he was flaunting it,” the employee says. “But it was said that he always tipped really well, so everyone overlooked it.”
What's more? The report also states that it appears local authorities did nothing to probe into Epstein's frequent trips with young girls despite his being registered as a sex offender on the island. Speaking to Vanity Fair, Chief William Harvey, a veteran of the Virgin Islands police department, said he has no idea who Epstein is.

Here's a view of Epstein's 70-acre private island.
However, those on the island are still shocked by how a convicted pedophile was able to openly continue his activities and travel to and from the United States in the company of young girls, many of whom were presumably under the age of consent.
“My colleagues and I definitely talked about how we didn’t understand how this guy was still allowed to be around children,” the former air traffic controller recalled. “We didn’t say anything because we figured law enforcement was doing their job. I have to say that that is regrettable, but we really didn’t even know who to tell, or if anyone really cared.”